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'Jordan Walton'
16 | Capricorn | Rb
'Aw shit'

'Jordan Walton'16 | Capricorn | Rb'Aw shit'

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Insta | Jordan.w
Spam | bestwaltonitw
Twitter | JordanWalton
Message | Jord❤️


'Jude bellingham'
17 | cancer | CDM
'Ay you'

Insta | Judebellingham Spam | heyjude Twitter | JudebellinghamMessage | Jude❤️

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Insta | Judebellingham
Spam | heyjude
Twitter | Judebellingham
Message | Jude❤️

Jordan's family

Dj Walton
Jessica Walton
Javon Walton
Jaden Walton
Jayla Walton
Little brother Daelo Walton
Jackie Walton


Liverpool team as themselves
England team as themselves
Bvb team as themselves
Premier league teams as themselves

I don't own these characters apart from Jackie and Jordan, javon Walton does have a little brother apparently he is called Daelo so I'm going to stick with that.


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