Chapter 9: You're finally here~!

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Mewtwo nearly went into shock at what Ash was wearing. Ash was wearing all dark and pastel colors he had his hair tied back and was wearing some makeup and wasn't eating any vegetables or fruit. He was taller and somehow curved more.

The lollipop guards surrounded Mew and Mewtwo but when Ash clapped his hands the guards stood down.

"you're finally here Mewtwo!" Ash cheered

" uh yeah....." Mewtwo said blushing

" Party for everyone, make it the biggest yet!" Ash yelled which made everyone cheer

Mewtwo was then escorted to his guest chambers and was given fine clothing to wear for the party tonight. 

that night Ash dressed up in his newest kimono and put his crown on. While Mewtwo was dressed up in a noble's outfit as well as a mew.  That night Mewtwo decided to break the news to Ash.

"Ash the world is in chaos," Mewtwo said making the Pokemon cheer 

" I know isn't fun! people can do whatever they want now!" Ash said

"Well yeah, but there isn't any order or rules!" mew said making everyone cheer again except for her and Mewtwo.

" Awesome! More milkshake over here, misty chop-chop!" Ash said as Misty in a plain dress hustled over to Ash with more mango milkshakes.

"Ash no rules aren't good it's bad. what about people's jobs and money?" Mewtwo asked

" so what, they were unappreciative to me why should I care, besides they were cruel to you and me so why should you guys care?" Ash asked chomping down on more chocolate cake.

"Ash this isn't like you!' mew said concerned Ash never acted like this before. he always carried about people and their needs.

"push so?" Ash said gulping down more mango milkshake.

"so?!  Ash your acting very different!" Mewtwo said 

"Yeah, I got tired of neglect. plus you haven't eaten any food!" Ash said

"Because it isn't healthy food! It's all carbs and sugar!" mew said 

"You're sounding like arecus, always telling me what to do~" Ash suddenly growled

startling Mewtwo and Mew, while his subject reacted to their king distressed and growled as well.

"Ash she meant nothing by it, we're just concerned," Mewtwo said trying to calm down the situation.

The Search For Ash Ketchum~! (mewtwo x ash) ( Firstshipping)Where stories live. Discover now