The Annoying Albright

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The next day, Damian was in the lab upgrading his lightning staff when Steelbeak walked into the room with a small girl in pink. Her white hair was curled at the bottom, a bit like Heron, and her eyes were closed. Her smile was rather sweet. Her overall cheery look annoyed Damian just a bit.

"Who's this?" he asked Steelbeak.

"This is Dawn Albright," he answered.

"Hello!" the girl in pink said sweetly.

"She's a new agent to F.O.W.L.," Steelbeak continued. "And as the oldest kid agent, I thought you should show her the ropes, yadda yadda, 'n all that."

Damian was a little annoyed by that, he already was by how sweet this girl was, a bit too sweet for his liking, but he knew he shouldn't contradict Steelbeak.

"Oh alright," he said lazily.

Steelbeak left the room with a bit of a devious grin at that. Dawn lightly skipped over to the lab desk and hopped onto the seat. This annoyed Damian, but he tried to not let it annoy him too much.

"It's cool to know there are other kid agents," said Dawn. "That makes me feel a bit less lonely. What's your name?"

"I'm Damian," Damian answered. "As a supervillain, the Red Raven."

"Ooooh!" Dawn sounded excited at that. "A kid and already a supervillain! That's cool! Maybe we'll have to go on a mission together!"

"Yeah, maybe," said Damian, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice.

He would have to try even harder, for Dawn continued to chatter.

"Then we could show these villains that we're not just kids, it would be super cool! We could do whatever the villains in F.O.W.L. high command do, and make new gadgets and even other stuff together to help F.O.W.L., your staff is pretty cool by the way, but yeah, a mission would be awesome, we can show these villains what we can do together —"

"Stop talking about us like we're a team Albright," Damian said finally.

Dawn looked a bit sad after that remark, her cheery smile was gone. Damian hoped she wasn't guilting him, because she was already irritating him a little. A bit later, Damian was left alone, and Steelbeak came back into the room.

"Red Raven," he said, "I have a job for you; there's working portal technology in St Canard in Taurus Bulba's lab. I need you to retrieve it without getting caught."

"I've been there once and left without a scratch," said Damian confidently, even though he had been through a fight, but he wasn't about to say he needed help. "I'll be able to get it no problem, alone if I have to."

"Good," said Steelbeak, a grin spreading across his distorted beak. "But you don't have to. Let me get you your partner."

Damian didn't try to stop him; even as his second in command, every agent who took on a mission was required to have a partner. Damian hoped it might be Blot, or Pepper, or especially Amy since the two clicked so well, but none of them came with Steelbeak once he returned. Instead, behind him as he walked back was Dawn, cheery smile and all. Damian put a hand to his face and tried not to groan.

"I've already given her the briefing, no questions asked," said Steelbeak.

Damian sighed, then put on his mask and grabbed his staff. He already had the rest of the armour on, and their vehicle with its pilot was already waiting.

"Follow me Albright," Damian sighed as the two ran out to the plane.

They arrived in St Canard near Bulba's old lab, which at the moment was guarded by police. Damian stealthily hid behind the walls, but Dawn was giggling. Damian shushed her.

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