Morning not to forget.

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I awoke to the bright sun in my eyes. I groaned and rolled over to kiss sammi. She smiled and woke up.

"Mornin babe I'm gonna go make breakfast for our troops" I say to her sweetly.

"Alright I will march them out soon" she said back smiling.

I rolled out of Bed and threw some jeans and a tank top on.

I then looked into the lads room. In Finn's room he was asleep but moving a lot.

I then looked in Kyle's. Everything looked normal so I carried on down the spiral stairs.

I flicked the cooker on and grabbed eggs and bacon from the fridge then put them on.

The gate buzzed as someone wanted to come it. I looked from the window and saw Danny worsnop. I allowed jack to open the gate so he could come in.

Danny ran up the yard to meet me at the door.

"Heyyyy ma boi" Danny shouted.

"Dude shush, lads are still asleep" I say.

"Sorry man" Danny said quietly

We went inside, talked about how our bands are doing as he's just joined we are harlot. I was about to dish up the breakfast when my phone went.

*caller ID private*

I looked at Danny and answered but put it on speaker.


I had a bad feeling about today, but I don't know why. I got into grey ripped skinnys, vans and a tank top then went down the stairs quietly.

"Answer it and make sure it's on speaker so I can hear" Danny said loud enough so I could hear.

What on earth are they on about.

"I know you have my boys, I will find them soon don't you worry, no body can take them away from me in a thousand years, you never know I could be right around the corner and none of you or your sick band will know, Finn Kyle if you hear this your fathers coming for ya, don't worry I have someone to meet you"

It was my dad. I knew he would find us. I ran and shoved a hoodie on and sat in a tree with my hood up so no one would know it's me.


I stood there shocked. How could he get my number. I had so many things racing through my mind. Before anything else I saved the call and looked and Danny.

"Dude..." I said.

"Jinxx what are we going to do, this is bad, for the boys, us, you never know what he's going to do or be" Danny said with a shake I his voice.

"I know what am I going to do, I promised to keep them safe.." I said. I had my head in my hands and got cut off by sammi.

"You alright you two? What's gone on" she asked sweetly.

I showed her the phone call and she froze.

"We need to get jax over" she said sternly.

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