Well... That was eventful.

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So last night was hardly exciting. I mean we ate tea watched ghost adventures then went up to our rooms to sleep.

I woke to it being dark in my room it was nice because of my curtains, I looked at the time it was 10:32. I lay in bed for a while before getting up.

I wandered to the bathroom and locked the door before sitting down. I put Bring Me The Horizon on~ drown.
I sat there for 20 mins and reached for my packed bag from the home that Kyle packed.

"Fuck" I whisper.

When he packed my bag he obviously didn't notice about my blades under my mattress. No worries though. I reached for my shaver. I have two so it don't matter. I ripped it open and got the 3 blades and sat there.

The memories started flashing back. It started to make me cry. I grabbed the blade and slashed it against my ankle. Each memory getting faster the faster I sliced my ankle. After 5 minuets I stopped and cried in a pool of blood. I then heard the door.

"Finny...?" jinxx says worried.

I tried to stumble to my feet and
unlocked the door and opened it before thinking about my ankle. He stood there staring at my ankle. I gasped and slammed the door shut and sank to the floor.

"Finn open this door now please I won't be angry" Jinxx says quietly and sadly.

"No" I cried.

I heard jinxx sign then something against the door. Jinxx had sat against the door.

"Finn, I understand you have reasons
for this. But listen to me ok I won't let anything hurt you again I promise you, you have to trust me I know that may be hard as you have just met me but I promise with my life, now please open the door it's just me here" jinxx says calmly and softy.

I slowly stumble to my feet and open the door making jinxx fall in. That made me smile. Jinxx smiled back. Jinxx stood up and sat on my bed. I joined.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean you to see don't hurt me" I said making myself sink down.

"Finn I would never hurt you. Your my son" jinxx said looking at me.

He then grabbed some alcohol and got a tissue and cleaned my cuts. After that he put a bandage on.

"Do you want me to keep this a secret?" Jinxx asks.

"Yes please" I say quietly.

Jinxx nodded and hugged me. I hugged
back. Maybe this is a new start.


Jinxx walked in about 2 hours ago telling me to wake up but I ignored him and fell asleep again. Maybe I should get up now.

I wandered to the bathroom to get in the shower. After that I changed into my black super skinnys, AA tshirt, black over sized hoodie, my neck handkerchief which was white.

I started to walk down stairs putting my snake bites in but tripped. I tumbled to the bottom and laid on the floor laughing at myself. Jinxx and sammi ran in and laughed with me.

"What on earth is someone a dope today" sammi says still laughing.

Jinxx helped me up and I wiped away the blood from where I must have poked my bar into by accident.
I walked with them to the kitchen and sat next to Finn who was quieter then normal.

We sat talking and eating until there was a loud bang at the door. We both sank in our seats.

"Boys it's ok I won't let anyone hurt you" jinxx said standing up and grabbing a bat.

He walked to the door with the bat firmly in his grip. The knocking got constant. Jinxx swung the door open and Andy, CC, Jake and Ashley piled on top of him.


"Right, jinxx and sammi have not answered so it's my duty to make sure they are not in danger" I say smiling.

"We are always in danger when your here Andy" CC says smirking.

"Are not! I am offended!" I says
holding his heart dramatically.

"Maybe you should be in films not a band" ash says laughing at me.

"Screw you guys, anyway I say on the count of three we all shove the door with all our weight" I say proudly of my plan.

"Are you kidding me. You owe me if I'm doing this" CC says looking not impressed.

"Well I'm sure they will have food" I say smiling.

"Alright done" CC says pleased with the offer.

"Ok guys, three... two... one!" I shout as we all fly at the door, but then the door swings open and we fall over and take jinxx with us.

"Ow! Andy! get off me you elephant!" jinxx says crossly.

"Hey! it's not just me!" I scream feeling very offended.

"Where's the food?" CC asked walking to the kitchen.

"Wahhhh, Ohhh are there the twins?" Ashley asked sammi.

"Yes indeed they are" she said smiling.

So after that we got introduced to the lads. Played on the Xbox and watched adventure time whilst CC ate the house down. Tonight was fun.

"Soooo it's best we all go now lads" I say as the responsible adult as the twins had just been sent upstairs and sammi was passed out on the sofa.

"Yup" Ash agreed whilst yawning.

"Goodnight jinxx any problems with there dad let us know we will be here in seconds" I said looking at jinxx.

"Thank you boys I appreciate your help" jinxx says after we all hug and say our goodbyes.


So we had all said goodbye and after I saw them drive off I picked up sammi and walked up stairs.

I put her gently on our bed and ran down stairs to lock the front gate and all the doors and windows. I will not let that vile man in our home. I then ran back up and tucked my sleeping beauty in our bed before checking on the boys.

Kyle was sleeping peacefully, while Finn on the other hand was not. I'm quite concerned about him but he will open up soon and I can help more.

I then went to my own room and hit the pillow and immediately fell asleep.

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