First Meetings

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(Lucy) it was a Monday morning and I was working a shift at the coffee shop, around the corner from where I lived with my house mates , it was a nice area you had plenty of shops, parks, restaurants, you had a cinema, a sea life center to which was beautiful, I wanted to save some. Money so I could get myself a  house or flat I did like working at this coffee shop  most of the customers was lovely and friendly but some was horrible never even wanted to talk to you not even a good morning or not even a nod  or a goodbye then there was the high school kids who will mess around and then you will have to kick them out, as the time went on customs went in and out I tryed my best to smile and be nice. The past few days I have noticed that a young man was coming in around lunch time he sits at the table nere the window he usually brings a comic and then orders a coke and a cookie if not a chocolate muffin sometimes ill stand there and watch him eat he ate like a. Child. He was tallish bold and he always wears a yellow and black tracksuit ohhh and yes he always has head phones with him to and he talks with a lisp

Lunch time

(Lucy) I heard the bell go and my head poked up and the same guy came in "can I have a coke pleaseth and a cookie" I  nodded sure I say smiling I grab his coke and then pull out a cookie from the cookie jar here you go I, say he payed and then sat at the normal place I smile, but this time I couldn't watch him eat the cookie customers was in and out then it was the school kids at some. Point I sat down flicking though a magazine when I heard a "hayy that's mine" I, looked up and some boys took the man's comic the man stood up jumping up, trying to get it like a little child would, when you would take his favourite toy off him, I huff rolling my eyes I can't stand bullying I walked. Over there I got more angry when one of the boys pushed the man to the ground, HAY!!!! I shouted LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! you have what you want give back his comic or I'm going to kick. Your ASRUS OUT OF THIS COFFEE SHOP DO YOU HERE ME?!!!!! I said they all looked scared including the man on the floor the boys looked at each other and then gave the comic back to the man then they started to walk out of the shop hay say sorry to this man I ordered

The boys

(Hedwig) iths ok

(Lucy) as they walked out I looked back down to the man I helped him up and sat him back down but I could still see that he was still upset I kneeled down and then spoke to him in my soft voice, hay is there anythink I can do? I, asked the man, the man looked at me with his blue eyes and then nodded

(Hedwig) walk me home

(Lucy) I smiled and nodded OK come. On I grabbed my jacked and walked out with him into the busy town., he said he lived three blocks away in a house quite a big house to be honest., the gates opened and then I turned away looking at the man again right ill better get going I say I was starting to walk I walked past him but he pulled my jacket sleeve "noooooo, stay Miss Patricia would like to meet you" he said I tilted my head ummm OK I say walking up to the house with him

Inside the house

(Lucy) the house inside looked as it did on the outside big and beautiful the floors was marble and the staircase was wooden "in here" the man said I walk or should I say dragged by him OK....... OK I'm coming

(Hedwig) umm sit ill go and get Miss Patricia but pleaseth don't be scared promise

(Lucy) pr..... Promise I said he ran off and left me in the living room I walked to a the  book shelves there was alot of books about history fashion and cookery ohh and art books "hello dear" I turned around seeing the same man in a red jumper with a long red skirt on, his hands were rested nicely around the front, h..... Hello I, said the man walked towards me

(Patricia) oh no no no dear don't be scared we aren't going to hurt you we actually want to be your friends our hedwig is very fond of you and we was all cloes by and saw what happened today at the coffee shop when those mean boys started to bully him we loved seeing you step in and making sure they left him alone and we need someone. Like you by our side

(Lucy) I'm not quite sure what to say

(Patricia) of course dear this must be confusing ohhh let me explain I say taking her hand and walking to the couch both of us sitting down at the same time I rested both of my hands on hers and looking into her eyes I then started to talk, you see dear we have something called DID but that's the short name for it the long name for it is Dissociative Identity Disorder which means one person. Having so many personalities in there body in this case 24  you OK dear? I asked rubbing my hand on hers

(Lucy) yes it's just alot to take in but I would love to be your friend, well be all your friends I smile and so did she "Oh wonderful!!!" she said clapping her hands I smile nice to meet you ummm sorry what was your name?

(Patricia) ohhh I'm Patricia dear I smile ohhh Hedwig wants to come and say goodbye to you now dear if that's ok but you can stop by tomorrow if  you like and have a cup of tea?

(Lucy) I would love to bye I say holding a hand up and she went out of the room the man came back in again he jumped onto the couch hugging me tight I giggle

(Hedwig) thank you for being my friend I say pulling away from her can I seeth you tomorrow?

(Lucy) I nodded of course just stop by at the coffee shop OK and I'll see you OK nice meeting you and Patricia i said to the boy I don't know why i just think his a younger personality I waved as I walked home wow what a day

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