Part 6

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I woke up to someone knocking on the door and groaned snuggling my head down then realised it was on someone, I shot my eyes open to see it was Toms arm making me smile as I remembered last know and I saw his head on my shoulder and his arm over me, he looked comfy and I was too so I stayed where I was and closed my eyes, when someone started banging on the door again making me groan loudly and start to move to stand up,

"Where you going?"Tom groaned not opening his eyes as I slipped out of his arms

"Someone's at the door!"I whispered back before standing up and walking out,

"Tell them to piss off!"Tom groaned and I opened the door to see Haz standing there

"You look delightful as ever!"he commented with a smirk

"Piss off!"I replied rubbing my eyes

"Jeez calm down! Where's Tom? Just need to ask a quick question?"he added and I rolled my eyes

"Y/n! Just tell them to fuck off and come back to bed!"Tom groaned which Haz clearly heard

"In there!"I pointed to my room and Haz gave me a look while walking into it and I flopped onto the sofa


I heard the door open and didn't look assuming it was y/n,

"Finally!"I groaned not even opening my eyes but I heard heavier foot steps as If they were looking around the room

"Oh my Fucking God!"Haz said and I shot my eyes open to see him standing there jaw hanging open

"Haz?"I asked dumbly

"It's 9! IN THE MORNING!"I shouted well groaned as I rubbed my eyes and fell back onto the bed

"Here we go!"I whispered to myself as he shut the door then opened his mouth to speak,

"Before, you even say anything! We DIDN'T asleep together well we technically slept together but in a NON-sexual I didn't put my penis in her way..."I said and realised how what the fuck am I saying saying and screwed my face up

"Errr if you weren't this awkward creature you are I wouldn't believe you!"Haz replied

"So you DO believe me?"I asked relieved

"I guess....but why are you-"he trailed off pointing at me looking around and I hoped he stopped talking because I had no answers and just wanted him to leave

"Why are you here?"I said wanting him to leave

"Right so...I've got another problem!"he said sitting down

"Of course you have but can it wait until...never!"I said and he gave me a look

"Ok fine! you grumpy dipshit!"he said standing up

"Ok just one question? Mindy, do I ask her out?"he said turning back around to face me

"You mean on a date?"Y/n asked shocked standing in her doorway

"Well yea...because she told Jessie who told me that Mindy likes me!"he replied and I was shocked he was being human

"Well a lot of girls do!"I replied and he looked to y/n who just shook her head angrily while I glared at him a little

"Yea but that's the problem she's only gonna sleep with me if I go on a date with her! And dates are money? Effort? Money? And spending time with her!"he said and I rolled my eyes and so did y/n

"We both know what I would say to that!"i added as y/n wandered back out

"Yea yea I know!"he said and rolled his eyes walking out

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