Part 12

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"What the fuck!"Tom said pushing Haz away from me

"Look mate it's not-"Haz started talking but I was too focused on Toms fingers that had intertwined with mine

"Don't even-"Tom said and I've never seen him so angry

"We're going!"Tom then said but turned to me switching his attitude

"You got everything?"he asked and I nodded as he moved our interlocked hands around my waist as he glared at Haz and walked well stormed out there

"Tom-"I said but he wouldn't stop

"Tom-"I tried again but he walked faster

"Tom seriously slow down! I'm in heels! I can't walk that fast!"I said with a laugh but he didn't, he just stopped briefly to pick me up and kept walking making me laugh

"Tom- what are you-"I laughed but gave up as I was flung over his shoulder

"I hate him!"he finally said

"No you don't!"I simply replied

"Oh yes I do! He's infuriating!"He replied again groaning

"You know they say it's a fine line between love and hate!"I joked and he stopped walking and looked at me thrown over his shoulder

"Stop being cute!"he complained and I blushed as he kept power walking straight into the hotel not putting me down

"Umm hello guys!"the teacher said and I nodded at her awkwardly while Tom continued walking up to my room

"Key!"he said as he stood outside the door

"In my bag!"I replied

"I can't go through your bag!"he commented and I pushed up on his shoulders


"My mother told me never to go through a woman's bag!"he replied and I blushed at the statement before I got the key out and handed it to him

"Until at least a mile away!"he joked opened the door walking in and kicked the door shut before dropping me onto the bed causing me to squeal.
He then flopped onto the bed next to me and lay there as we both stared at the ceiling, and it just hit me that Haz actually kissed me? I feel like I should be mad but I'm not...not saying I liked it though just think he's got an explanation...I hope

I could feel the anger from tom next to me so glanced up to see his arm under his head then shuffled so I was lying with my head on his chest and I could hear his heart beat going crazy

"You know if you hear him out he probably-"I started talking but Tom cut me off

"Don't even start defending him!"He said mad standing up

"Because if you defend him then I'll hate you as well!"he added

"You don't Hate him!"I said and he looked at me with anger

"Ok maybe right now you do!"I joked

"Your doing it again!"he replied

"Doing what?"I asked

"Being all cutesy!"he replied then disappeared into my bathroom as I blushed and lay on the bed face down with a smile

After Tom emerged from the bathroom I went in and changed into my shorts and top to sleep in but as I was in the bathroom I heard talking


Y/n went to change and I was so angry at Haz! Why would he kiss her! He ruins everything I have but not y/n! Oh god what if she liked the kiss...I groaned covering my face with a pillow when someone knocked on the door and I slowly walked over and opened it to see Haz,

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