Another Day - 1

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Daishi's POV:

I didn't expect to still be in the student council. After all, the many things I have dealt with since becoming a member have been bad enough to get me kicked out. But I'm glad I'm still here and I wouldn't trade it for anything. It brought Shiromi and I together as a couple.

I began to get ready when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. It was my twin sister, Chisaki. She was away for so long, so when she surprised me at Akademi as a way to reunite with Mayako and I, I was more than happy. While we are different in personality, I am so so grateful that she's back.

"Hellooooo? Mom said get ready for school." Chisaki snapped me out of my daze.

I scoffed. "You aren't even dressed!"

"I'm not a student council member." She eye rolled.

I shrugged and got up to get dressed. "So, how are you liking Akademi anyways? You never told me. I know that you probably weren't expecting your ex, Gaku to be there."

She sighed and looked down as she crossed her arms. "Yeah but what can you do? Him and I broke up before I left for the mental asylum. I'm still mad at mom for persuading dad to let me go but, I needed to for the sake of me being a danger to everyone, even him."

"Tell me the truth Chi, you really cared about him didn't you?"

She nodded. "I'll always care about him , I'll always love him, but lately, me and Rojasu have been getting along and we like each other, I dunno, Gaku and I are friends and he seems to have forgotten about the past, but I never even told him why we had to break up, he was such a different person back then, now he's a delinquent and I just, I don't know if that would work."

I understood her all too well. But one thing I do know, if it you love someone , none of that will ever matter.

"I get you, but you and him seemed so happy even if it was just grade school, don't throw that away. He deserves to know."

She sighed "You're right."

I finished getting ready for school as she hugged me before settling down before she had to get up, I went downstairs as I was greeted by Shiromi & Ayano.

"Hey guys, good morning!"

Ayano smiled and Shiromi was always smiling, that same beautiful smile that I fell in love with.

"Good morning bestie! I'm so so glad to have you coming back to school, When you said you get sick, I didn't think it was that bad."

I laughed. "It can sadly get that bad, I don't get sick easily but when I do get sick, it feels almost deadly."

"We're both glad you're just okay ohimesama, the student council cannot function without you."

I laughed. "I highly doubt that babe but thank you." I kissed her softly.

Ayano fake gagged and we all laughed, eventually Chisaki came downstairs to open the door, and hugged Rojasu as soon as she seen him.

"You two are getting along well!" Shiromi smiled.

Chisaki looked down blushing and Rojasu just laughed. "I suppose we are."

Chisaki then ran upstairs to get ready and Rojasu sat at the table next to Ayano.

Ayano stared him up and down before saying "You know if you hurt her it's your ass right?"

His eyes widened and he looked over at me. I nodded my head, reassuring Ayano's threat. "She's been through a lot, don't string her along if it's not what you really want. I mean that."

He nodded his head, deciding to wait outside. Chisaki eventually came downstairs, fixing her hair as she started grabbing breakfast.

"Chisaki, I won't lie, that guy gives me douchebag vibes." Shiromi said as she was stuffing a piece of toast in her mouth.

Chisaki turned around quickly. "Shiro, that's not funny, he's sweet."

She shrugged at her reply and Chisaki looked at me. "And what do you think?"

"I've already told you what I think, follow your heart in the end, don't be like me." I looked down. I don't know why I wanted to know how Raimu was doing but I did. I wish the closure was better. I snapped out of it when Shiromi rubbed my back, whispering to me that it's okay. She always somehow knew when I was thinking of that day I caught Raimu cheating.

"I can't pretend you aren't right about following my heart. Something feels off. Valentine's day is coming up and I do want to ask him to be my valentine but I don't know...You think I can walk to school with you guys early?"

I nodded. "Of course, we're just waiting for Aiko to come and then we can all go."

And almost right on schedule, Aiko knocked at the door. I ran to answer it and hugged her so tightly.

"Hey girl! About time you get off bed rest. I missed seeing you roam the halls."

I laughed and let her in so I could grab what I needed for school.

Aiko then looked outside. "Why isn't he in here with you guys?"

Chisaki shrugged and Ayano flat out said "I threatened him." Causing Chisaki to quickly turn to her and ask what she said to him.

Ayano looked back at Chisaki. "I told him the truth, that you have been through a lot and that if he hurts you there will be repercussions. He didn't like it so he left to stand outside. Daishi even backed me up."

"I would appreciate it if you guys don't scare off my potential boyfriend."

Aiko looked around, then at Chisaki. "Babe, I would hope he doesn't end up being that. You are so much more than...That."

Chisaki scoffed. "He may not be your standards princess but I like him okay? And I'm going to ask him to be my valentine today."

Aiko shrugged and we all decided to drop it and head off to school.

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