Chapter 2: Hey..It's been a while..

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Lucy's POV

               "Come on little sis! Sting and Jellal are waiting for us!" I heard Laxus yell at me, "We don't want to be late for the train." Just like that, I put on a puking face..Ever since I learned how to control Heavenly Body and Celestial Dragon magic, I got motion sickness like my brothers and sister. It's awful! I don't know how they are beale to handle it!

"Coming Laxy! Give me a minute!"

"Lulu! We don;t have that kind of time! We're already late because of you! We need to go to Crocus Forest to train even more!" Then I heard Sting and Jellal shout..

"LUCY! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Oh crap!I hurried down the stairs, ran past the others and speeded out the door. I heard them all running after me and laughing at ME!

"Jeez Lulu! You ran down here fast" Jellal said, "What are you, Erza's flight armor!?"






"Not you too sparky! What with these nicknames I get!"I huffed at the nicknames.. Ever since we found Laxus and Sting 11 months ago, I started to act like a mix of Laxus and sting together. It's literally like a curse! I hung around the boys so much that I almost forgot to act like a girl! It's funny when you think about it..

~Time skip to the train ride~

                "Nghhhh~" Is all Laxus, Sting and I could say..Jellal Chucked..The train is horrible! I sat next to Sting while Laxus and Jellal were across from us..I put my head on Sting's lap while his head was on the window still. Laxus just crossed his arms trying to act cool but failed. Then suddenly, the train got a little bumpy which made me and my brother turn green! Jellal laughed at us!

"Jeez, you dragon slayers are pathetic when it comes to transposition..It's funny to see you like this!"

"Sh-shh-shut u-up J-jell-!" I spit out but was interrupted by something or someone who caught my eye. Even though my version was bury, I could see who it was....Scarlet hair..armor..and a blue symbol on their left shoulder..But that's all I could see before I passed out..This happens to me because I'm still a little new to motion sickness...But I knew who it was..Erza..

Jellal's POV

             I-I couldn't believe my eyes! Just when Lucy passed out, the scarlet-haired woman picked Lulu up and sat down with Lucy in her lap. Lulu seemed to like this because she snuggled closer to the scarlet hair woman..I realize who it was now..Man I'm stupid!

"ERZA!?" I whispered yelled, "The hell are you on this train for!?" She glared at me but softened when she saw Laxus..

"I was on my way to do a mission in crocus forest"

"That's where we were headed to as well"

"Why are you, Sting and Laxus with Lucy?" She was curious but I could also hear the jealousy in her she likes Lucy huh? Haha..They'll be cute together..

"We were helping her train, I taught her my magic while Sting and Laxus helped Lulu with her dragon slayer magic" Erza was shocked.

"Lulu is a dragon slayer!?" I nodded and explained what the Master said to us on the day Lucy left..

~5 minutes later~

    "So let me get this straight, Lulu is siblings with Wendy, Laxus and Sting!? A-And Acnologia is their REAL father!? Master is their grandfather!? I-I'm speechless!" She stopped but then said, "But I'll also be happy that she has family members that are still alive..It must have been so hard losing Layla.." I nodded then stated..

I Love You Lucy..(ErLu)Where stories live. Discover now