Chapter 20 💥

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Y/N Pov:

"Katsuki! HURRY UP!!"

I pounded on the door to the boys' changing room as Todoroki shook his head.

"His outfit takes him forever to put on."

"Shut up, Icyhot!"

There was banging on the other side of the door, and then Katsuki walked out with one of his gauntlets in his hand.

We went to the training room and Cami and Inasa were waiting for us. Camie skipped over to us and put her hands on her hips.

"What took so long?"

Katsuki growled and Todoroki pointed to him.

"Bakugou took his time getting ready."

"It's only because my outfit has so many awesome parts!"

Katsuki was yelling about his costume when a stampede of kids ran into the room.

"Your test... Is to win over the hearts of these unruly kids!"

Katsuki took off his gauntlets and threatened the kids. Camie won over the boys, but the girls hated her.

"Who's the ringleader of you brats?!"

Katsuki was chasing after a kid who stole his gauntlet when it hit me.

I looked through the crowd of kids for one who seemed like the leader. Katsuki was getting ready to fight with a horde of kids, and Todoroki was explaining that he was not 'Five-Weenies'.

A little girl backed into my leg and I squatted down to her level.


She fidgetted with hr clothes and stared intently at the ground.

"Do you like heroes?"

She nodded her head.

"Could you help me then? I need to know who the leader of this group is."

The girl shakily looked up and nodded. She pointed a finger into the crowd. Right towards a little boy.

"Thank you so much!"

The girl nodded and I made my way through the crowd. I was almost to the kid when I saw something priceless.

 I was almost to the kid when I saw something priceless

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The little girls' jaws dropped and Camie struck a pose.

"Did you like my quirk?"

She blew the girls a kiss and they glared at her.

Katsuki burst into laughter at Todoroki's face before the effect wore off.

"You looked so stupid! You were like-"

Bakugou copied Glamouroki's expression, and it was amazing.

Bakugou copied Glamouroki's expression, and it was amazing

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