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here we go story starts to unfold

taylor's pov
today is the day of the yearly royal party for at the royals in michigan i love having this every year because i make new friends and i love meeting new people

the party is hosted in warren, michigan since it's like the center of the state

my family and the people that work for us all are getting the party ready to be perfect

there's normally around 5 other families besides mine but this year there's going to be 6 families besides my family

this new family isn't new to royalty as from what my father said but they just never wanted to come to this get together until this year

my family always has me doing the easy stuff since i'm the only girl and youngest in my family even though i'm 20 years old i don't get them sometimes

my two older brothers are 24 and 28 years old so they do more 'manly' stuff and my mother and father just like have a plan then have our servants and maids put their idea together in the rooms


the time comes to where the families finally meet

the families that normally come which always come in the same order every year are the Denmarks, Bartleys, Wintons, Maynards, and finally the Hanlons

they all come one by one in their families which all the families here normally have around 2-3 kids and then a mother and father of course

my oldest brother sits everyone down at their designated tables for them

then i see is what i'm guessing is the new family my father never told me what their surname was so i'll have to ask my brother after he seats them

i saw him look for the table they sit at then he went to go seat them their family actually has a kid a lot younger than me all of our other families never have had kids younger than a few years younger than me so it's weird to see that

"hey tyler what is that family's' surname?" i questioned him

"ohh hey tay umm hold up follow me.." i followed him "..looks like it's Shumate why" he said

"umm no worries just curious also doesn't that name sound familiar to you at all" i asked while trying to not look weird because one of the Shumates were looking at me weird

"uhh yea now that i think about it the name kinda does" he said scratching the side of his neck

i walked away from him then went to my father

"hey father should i or can i go introduce myself to the new family maybe" i asked

"sure sweetie the girl looks to be about your age try to see if you can become friends with her she seemed nice" he said giving me a small side hug

i start walking over to the table they're sitting at while i have a welcoming smile on my face to not seem to scary or whatever

"hi i'm taylor daughter of the Harlows it's a pleasure to meet you all" i said kindly while doing a small curtsy to the family

"well hi taylor i'm libby the mother all these beautiful children and the wife of this handsome man" the mother said the me while smiling

the daughter of the shumates keeps smiling at me like a lot of smiling but not weird smiles either

"so how've your day been today" i politely ask

"our day has been exciting because of this get together your family hosts since we decided to come this year so we can get to know more people like us" the daughter spoke up

love at your finest ( anna shumate x girl )Where stories live. Discover now