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i'm so sorry this took so long to get out to y'all life has been beating me to death recently but here this chapter is love you guys

taylor's pov
i woke up this morning still in the same place i fell asleep which was in anna's arms

she was already awake on her phone so i moved my head up to see her "good morning sleepy head" i smiled "good morning anna"

"how'd you sleep because you slept for like ever" anna asked "i slept like a little baby"

we both laughed i rolled off of anna then asked her where her bathroom was she showed me then i went to the bathroom and all

i walked back out to see anna not in her bed "anna" i said a bit louder than my normal voice "yes tay" i heard from somewhere near "where are you at" i said back "my closet silly" she said laughing walking out of her closet

i ran over to her and hugged her tightly because she scared me to death "did i scare you taylor" "umm i mean a little bit why"

"you've never hugged me so tightly and it was just random" anna said while hugging me back i could hear her heart beating in a steady pattern not changing a single bit

i pulled back from the hug then we both looked over at the door seeing her mom walk in "how was your night ladies"

"it was great mrs shumate" i said smiling "taylor honey just call me libby" she replied in a sweet voice

"ohh also breakfast is downstairs come down when you two want" her mom said walking out of the room

"you hungry yet" anna asked "a little are you" i asked back she nodded

i walked over to her vanity to look in the mirror at my hair and it wasn't that bad since it's in a low messy bun "wanna go downstairs" anna said though the mirror looking in my eyes

i nodded then i followed anna to the dining room since i didn't know where it was at

she has a couple flights more of stairs compared to my house which i don't mind because i'm used to it

we got downstairs and i could smell the amazing breakfast her mom made it almost filled the whole main floor of her house

"its eggs bacon and cinnamon toast just so you two know" her mom said nicely to anna and i "ok mom thank you for breakfast" anna spoke "yes thank you libby this is amazing" i politely said to her mom

i walked over to an empty chair then anna came a few seconds later behind me "you want anything to drink pretty" i froze for a second but i didn't want her to realize but she called me pretty i internally smiled "uhh i'll take just a glass of water thank you"

anna got a glass of ice water for her and i then she sat down next to me while her mom and brothers were a crossed from us also her dad was at work

we talked for awhile while eating breakfast and annas family is so sweet and funny just like anna also her little brother thinks i'm hilarious too

i got done eating first but i still sat there with anna and her family then anna got done with her food and asked me if she could take my plate and of course i said she could

once anna got back from putting our plates up she came up to me "want to go back upstairs or do you want to go out"

"mm maybe both like stay here for a bit then go out after if that's ok with you" i said then she immediately nodded

i ran upstairs then she quickly followed behind me once we got on her floor i saw her maid tidying some small things "good morning taylor" "good morning cameron" i said with a small smile then anna pushed me into her room

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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