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anna pov
i know what has happen in the past 24 hours hasn't been my best self but i promise i'm not like that most of the time

i woke up this morning super late an accident because i stayed up all night stocking taylor

no i'm not creepy it's just have you seen how beautiful she is

i probably should introduce myself

i'm anna shumate my dad was born in a royal family so that's why i'm part of a royal family my mom has always been in a wealthy family too just not royal

i have two brothers tommy is my older brother and brandon is my younger brother and then i live with my mom and dad

i live in a beautiful house like it's huge i have my own floor basically because i'm the only girl and there's four or five floors i don't keep track of it

i have my designated maid she's amazing her name is cameron but i call her cam for short

she's like the best sister i've never gotten to have we gossip to eachother and more she doesn't tell my parents anything i tell her not and it's visa versa for me too

her room is on my floor since she is the maid of the floor she has a super nice room too

actually this morning she brought me breakfast once i woke up is was pancakes and waffles with whipped cream then some strawberries to top it off

i was scrolling through taylor's instagram while i heard a knock on my door and it was cam coming to see me i smiled at her while she walked up to me

"so i've seen you've been looking at this same girl on social media who is she" cam asked me

my face got really hot and red because she caught me "umm it's nothing i met her at the party yesterday she's so pretty but she won't even try to be my friend"

"well you have horrible first impressions because you did it to me too so maybe don't try to be a pervert because i know that's how you were and don't stalk her that's even worse anna" she said putting her hand on my shoulder

"yea i guess youre right how can i make it up to her though i pretty sure she hates me already i just want to at least be friends with her because she seems like a super sweet girl" i said starting to tear up

cam hugged me messing with my hair while i put my head in her neck she's like the only person i cry to except my mom which is rare because she's always out with my dad in trips since i have school i stay home

"ok anna maybe just text her because i know you have her socials so text her and tell her youre sorry for the way you acted and you didn't know what got into yourself then just show her how youre the sweet boon you are maybe have her come over here i don't know just show her that youre a good person then she'll hopefully like you to be friends or maybe more" cam said but the last part for lightly whispered which made me chuckle a bit

i was still crying but not as much i just stayed in the same position as i was because i feel safe in cams arms she makes me the best of me and helps me through anything and everything i go through

not gonna lie i used to have feelings for her then we became closer and closer then i realized she's better off like a sister to me than a significant other

i finally pulled back from the hug after about five minutes of her rubbing my back while i drew shapes on her neck because it helps me focus on something to calm down

"you wanna text her or wait" she asked me rubbing my arm

i grabbed my phone and handed it to her "can you text her for me please i can't do it i'll say some wrong still"

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