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For the second time, humanity faced the despair of defeat. And yet, all of humanity stood tall in that moment!! For even though their father, Adam... he had a great inheritance to his children. The power to rebel against the gods!! And the force of will required to do so...

In the hallways, Amisha, accompanied by Adam and his family, are walking to the room where Lu Bu and Randgriz are. Adam and his sons walked ahead, while Amisha, Eve and Reginleif were having their own little girl chat.

"Amisha I can't thank you enough for bringing Adam back," Eve sniffled.

"I would have to agree," Reginleif agreed with Eve. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

Amisha gives Eve and Reginleif a closed eyes smile, "don't mention it...I don't ever want to see my friends, the ones I love and cherish, to disappear forever you know. Besides..." Amisha looks ahead to see Adam and his sons joking around. "Who would want that to go away?"

"You're right," Eve agrees.

Earlier when Adam and Reginleif walked out of the arena.



Eve and Abel ran towards Adam, elated that he didn't die. Reginleif gave Adam to them, allowing them to hug Adam, which Adam returns lovingly. Suddenly Adam hears someone starting to cry nearby.

Cain shadows his eyes, "Pops..." tears roll down his face. "...I thought I would never see you again." Cain covers his mouth with his hand. Memories flooded into his head with his time with his father.

Adam pulls away from Eve and Abel goes towards Cain and hugs him. "It's alright, your Dad's not going anywhere."

Cain couldn't hold the tears in and began to cry.


"That's why I did it," Amisha says with confidence. "Whenever someone's life energy is gone, they pass on to the next life... and knowing that said person will come back to live a fresh new slate is somewhat... bittersweet. But Ragnarok is the battle of the soul, thus ending the cycle of reincarnation and disappearing forever." Amisha states.

Reginleif adjusted her glasses, "I'm impressed, it seems you did your research well."

Amisha awkwardly laughs, "Of course, I have to know what I'm getting into. I assumed I would be the main healer on hand."

Out of nowhere, the sound of metal clashing in the distance.

"What's that sound?" Eve asks.

"Sounds as if there is some type of battle," Reginleif states based on the sound.

"I'll go check it out first," Amisha says, grabbing her necklace. She teleports to where the sound is located. It ended up being a field full of flowers. Amisha saw Lu Bu with his Sky Piercer. "Hey Lu-" Amisha was interrupted when she saw Thor. "Thor?!" Amisha was dumbfounded.

Thor and Lu Bu kept hitting blows on each other's weapons. They both are grinning like a madman, enjoying sparring with one another like rivals. The others finally caught up to see what's going on.

"Thor! Lu Bu! Stop please!" Amisha shouts. Both of them did not stop. Amisha sighs, she couldn't stop them unless they had their fill. Amisha turns towards Adam, his family and Reginleif. "Sorry to ask you this, but can we wait until those two are done? I don't want to leave without supervising them."

Adam nodded, "I'm alright with that. What do you think, Eve?"

Eve places her pointer finger on her chin in thought. She snaps her fingers after thinking of what to do. "As repayment to Amisha, how about we make flower crowns like back them." Eve suggested.

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