Chapter Sān(3). Sister

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Xuan was just leaving his room so he could leave Blanca be alone with her thoughts, that is when he heard Dudou's voice calling to him, "Xuan!"

The young man looked down and saw his dog companion running towards him, and a huge sigh of relief escaped his chest as he exclaimed, "Dudou!"

Then he knelt down in front of him and pet him gently, "Am I glad to see you!"

"I'm more glad to see you!!" Dudou barked happily as he got on his hind legs to see Xuan eye to eye, happy to see his owner alive and well. "When I heard you might not survive, I was scared!"

Xuan smiled and hugged his pet dog, "I'm here, Dudou. I promised I'll never leave you."

Dudou sighed and snuggled into his best friend happily in response, to which Xuan smiled and rubbed his back comfortingly while Dudou licked his cheek, and soon Xialing came in with some tea.

"Hey, bro, I made tea." She announced to Xuan when she came in, and Xuan took the tea while thanking her just as Blanca came in the room. Xialing saw Blanca coming in so she smiled at her and spoke, "Oh, hey, Blanca. Want some tea?"

"Sure." Blanca replied softly as she sat next to Xuan, who wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Blanca leaned into when she felt his arm around her.

Xialing smiled at the couple as she gave her new friend tea and sat across from them when she asked, "So how did you two meet?"

"I saved her when I saw that she almost drowned in the water." Xuan was the first to answer about how he and Blanca met, to which Blanca smiled at him as she continued, "At the time, I had forgotten that I was a snake."

"Really?!" Xialing asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I got amnesia when I fell, so I forgot about my background." Blanca continued the story as Xuan held her in his strong arms.

"Wow." Xialing breathed out in surprise, then she wondered what caused the amnesia. So both Blanca and Xuan continued to tell their story with Dudou sitting next to his master, and Xialing intently listened to their love story. She fangirled and swooned when they told her everything, but she felt her face growing bright red in embarrassment when Blanca whispered to her that she took off her robe half-naked when she and Xuan kissed as they made out on the floor.

"I realized how much I have been in love with her." Xuan then told his cousin as he cuddled Blanca, "I wanted nothing more than to be with her, whether she was a snake or not." He continued while looking at her.

"And that's why you have Dudou's tail like he told me?" Xialing asked as she pointed at Xuan's tail that once belonged to Dudou. Xuan nodded as Dudou looked at him softly seeing that his master found his true love, and Blanca's eyes softened at him as she kissed Xuan's cheek affectionately. Xuan blushed really big and smiled wide after he felt her kissing his cheek, while Xialing smiled happily at her cousin and Blanca as she knew that love didn't know any differences, which made both Xuan and Blanca's love beautiful that her eyes watered as she longed to have someone love her.

But then Xialing frowned sadly because she doubted that someone would even love her. Her only interests were women, and she knew that no woman would even love her. She then quickly wiped her eyes, and Dudou saw it as he came by her side to nuzzle her and hopefully make her feel better. Xialing noticed him, so she managed to smile softly and pet him gently in response. Both Xuan and Blanca watched softly as Xialing and Dudou bonded while they were thinking about his younger cousin's watery eyes, 'I wonder what is going on...'

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