Chapter Yī(1). To save a man's life from certain death

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A/N; First of all, Merry Christmas Eve to you all!!! I hope you guys enjoy this AU story!!! ^^ 💖

After the Snake Mother's defeat where she was frozen to death as well as the General's defeat, both Xuan and Blanca were inside the trap where it was very cold inside and they could possibly freeze to death and Blanca appeared to be held in Xuan's strong arms as he hoped that he would keep her warm as best as he could just like he had managed to keep her warm back at the tower that night even after he found out that she was a snake which had been his biggest fear ever(But because of his love for Blanca, Xuan managed to get over his fear of snakes).

Blanca had her eyes closed for a few moments after she had told Xuan that she could see the dandelions, the ferry, and the tower when he asked her if she remembered seeing them with him as they got more closer, she slowly began to open her eyes when she suddenly heard something and she managed to speak through a soft whisper, "What's that? Xuan, listen. Someone's trying to break through."

Then she put her hand on Xuan's chest which had now become cold and frozen just as she looked up to face him and saw that he was now frozen completely!!! This made her heart break and she sat up to touch his face just as tears started forming in her eyes, "Xuan, no!"

She then tried to shake him hoping that he would wake up, but what made Blanca more heartbroken was when she saw that two icicles had stabbed his back which sadly got him to freeze completely. Then she placed both of her hands on Xuan's face as well as she threw her arms around him to hug him as she just couldn't fight the tears that were forming, "You can't! Please, Xuan! Didn't you say that we'd leave together? That we'd set out to the ends of the Earth and see so many places?"

Then she cried her heart out while the ice began rumbling and Xuan's frozen body began to fly away due to the strong wind but Blanca did her best to catch him by his hand as she pleaded for him to not go, then she saw that he was about to crack but suddenly... there was something that made the crack heal quickly and Xuan was being prevented from flying away and brought back to the ground, and Blanca who was still shivering like hell that she felt like she was going to die any second was a little confused and wanting to know what was going on. Then she slowly turned around and saw that someone who was wearing some kind of hooded cloak had their hand up, and Blanca could tell that this person possibly used some kind of strange power to prevent the frozen Xuan from cracking which was why their hand was up. But before Blanca could even open her mouth to ask that person who he or she was, she slowly began to close her eyes because of the really strong cold.


Suddenly, Blanca slowly began to open her eyes and saw that she was inside Xuan's home, the same place he had brought her to when he rescued her from being submerged into water ever since she got caught trying to assassinate the general for her mission and got involved in battle which did cause her to sink into water and lose her memory about who she was. Believe it or not, this almost felt a bit like deja vu for Blanca. She knew that she had experienced being in this house ever since Xuan saved her, but it felt so similar for her again right there because she was no longer shivering like she did hours ago or a day ago... God, Blanca had no idea how long she had been asleep right now. But most importantly, Blanca's thoughts were on Xuan, and she wanted to know if he was okay or not.

"Oh, you're awake! Thank God!" Blanca suddenly heard an unfamiliar female voice speak to her, which got her surprised and she looked around to see who was talking to her until she saw that the person speaking to her was a girl who looked almost younger than her and Xuan. She had long black hair that was held up in a high ponytail with with two red locks of it sticking out on each side of her face, and she wore a red robe that had short sleeves and leggings(A/N: Almost looks a bit like Moroha from Yashahime) that were underneath her brown sandals. Blanca even saw that this girl had almost the same facial features as Xuan did, and she wondered if maybe she was his sister.

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