Chapter Sì(4). The start of the journey, and reunited with Verta

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A/N: Hey, all! Wanted to update this by New Years, but I was very depressed, but anyways, here's the new chapter for you all! Oh, and if there's anything about this story that bothers you, you can feel free to give me constructive criticism but PLEASE try to be a little careful with words because there are certain words that could make me doubt myself as a writer, and I can hurt pretty easily since I'm a very sensitive person with low self-esteem and social anxiety.

On the next morning, everyone was all getting ready to start their journey to find Verta, and the old lady who was packing their food and dressing Xialing up warned the trio, "Be careful when you get there. You never know what lurks there."

"We will." Xuan agreed firmly, and Xialing nodded her head as she grabbed her bow and arrow, "Let's save Verta!"

"Yeah!" Xuan agreed excitedly, to which Blanca smiled happily as they left the house and the old lady waved them goodbye and wished them luck in finding Blanca's sister.

Xialing just couldn't wait to see what Verta was like just as she and the others started their journey to the mountain, and Dudou watched his master's tail wag every time Blanca was near so he giggled quietly. When Xialing noticed, she moved closer to Xuan and smirked while whispering to him, "You're horny."

Xuan growled and stopped his tail from wagging, while everybody laughed just as they climbed the mountain.

"You got him!" Dudou told Xialing excitedly, which got her to laugh just as they kept climbing while Xuan was holding Blanca close as they followed Verta's direction.

"So, Blanca, tell me. What's Verta like?" Xialing suddenly asked Blanca.

"She's much more bolder than me..." Blanca began to describe what her sister was like.

"Bolder?" Xialing asked interested

"She's more expressive than me." Blanca explained with a giggle as they climbed with Xuan helping her.

"Wow!" Xialing exclaimed as she really couldn't wait to meet Verta, and Xuan chuckled before Blanca giggled at his tail wagging again which got Dudou to laugh out loud. Even Xialing laughed along with Dudou and Blanca laughed too just as Xuan stopped his tail wagging and they began to continue to climb upon the mountain, unaware that someone was watching them...

There was the greatest snake hunter, and he appeared to be furious like hell!

"So, the White Snake is looking for her sister?" He mused in pure amusement as his specialty was getting rid of snake demons, that according to him harassed the village.

"And one of my boys has fallen in love with her." He added while scoffing, then he got pissed just as he scratched the tree next to him, "Son of a bitch... He betrayed us!!!"

He then angrily kicked the tree with so much anger while yelling out and after taking a moment to relax, he thought of a plan, "I'll make a trap. Then, I'll kill them in front of the whole village..."

He then smirked and laughed as he liked his own plan, before he took his weapons and began to take a shortcut to where the trio would go, and the thought of having two snake heads fulfilled his mind.

'Cutting off those two snakes' heads would be really nice, and worthy to add to my collection.' He thought maliciously, just before he laughed evilly while the group was unaware of the dangers behind as they climbed.

Dudou was complaining as he was getting really tired of climbing up so high, "This mountain is the WORST!!!!"

"Ugh, I know!" Xialing agreed as she was getting really tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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