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No ones POV:
Shoto was currently shopping with Momo at the mall. Both of them was looking at hoodies and jeans. Basically clothes in general. Momo is a masc and feminine type of girl. Her and jiro has been dating for a good 5 and a half months. One of our classes longest relationship. Everyone else was just flings or just didn't work out. Probably because it was a common couple. They say the rare couples last. But back to what is going on.

Shoto POV:

As me and Momo was looking at hoodies I couldn't help but think about Momo and jiro relationship and how I'm well single. It's not like I wanted to rush into anything or force myself into a relationship. But I wanted to actually fall in love and experience it. Not that I know anything about it really. Just the things jiro tells. Yeah kinda a shocker me and jiro is good friends . I mean she is dating one of my friends. But I'm not gonna lie a little someone has been on my mind lately. Like a lot. It's kinda crazy how I even could dream a future with him. I mean everyone says he's a f-boy and that I should stay away but i have him wrapped around my finger so maybe. JUST MAYBE. I can change him into a simp. Someone who will go crazy over me . Oh and if you are wondering who it is... it's sero/hanta.

I know your probably like what the hell but I can't help it. I almost walked into a clothing rack not paying attention. "Hey shoto do you have something or someone on your seem off" Momo said helping me keep my balance from almost falling . "Uh no Momo,I mean yeah someone's on my mind but I don't wanna talk about it just yet. I wanna be sure before I do" i said while looking at some more clothes. "Okay sho but remember I'm here for you and I'm not gonna judge you" she said while turning her attention to a nice dress. "Thanks Momo but I'm good, hey do you think I'll look good in a skirt?" I said also asking her a random question to get her mind off what I'm thinking. "Yes finally your into skirts. Black or pastel color would look best and match your vibes and mood" Momo said while looking threw shirts. "You know I was just kidding right.." I said looking down. "Mmm still I thought you should know for future purposes" Momo said. I raised a eyebrow at her. Was she dissing me but being cool about it or. Anyways I don't really care never did.


Moments after the mall at the dorms

Sero pov:
As I was changing I couldn't stop thinking about shoto and no they weren't fluffy thoughts more like smutty. Yes I am a fool for him and I sadly don't know why. He's just odd but a good odd. I wonder what sounds he can make. But im gonna push those thoughts away because tomorrow (Friday night) we always have manga reading hangouts and I kinda flirt. He is very hard to please in my opinion. Maybe I can make him put at least one wall down for me. He probably has over 3 walls put up just for safety reasons.
As I laid in bed I was just thinking about us cuddling. Kissing. Talking about our future together and just smiling at one another for no reason. Making inside Joke but not the ones friends make something different and special ya know. I just want to hold him let him know he's safe with me. I always doubt that this would ever happen when tenyas in the way. He's always getting on me and then tries to embarrass me infront of shoto. Shoto doesn't even get half the things he jokes about but I do and I don't like him. I hate him with a passion kinda like midobro and bakuhoe. They hate each other with a passion but still like brothers . But I could never see him as a brother if anything a traitor. A asshole in my opinion.

One thing I hate the most is that everyone just laughs at me when I say I want a real relationship. A lover, someone I can trust without a second thought. But to everyone I was just a f-boy trying to get laid. Which is half true but come on now. I don't go for just anyone I am picky with my gay side. Yeah I like both boy and girl but something about this boy that makes me gay. Not bisexual just gay. I really really wanna just tell him how I feel. Honestly it was love when first sight but I convinced myself in first year it was nothing but I'm sure I love this boy . I would give him the world. He could have anything I got I just wanted him. That's how you know I'm tripping because I never felt this way for anyone else. Plus I may have kissed 3 or 4 people but I only have 1 body. I just want to show him that I'm for real . I'm just scared of rejection and I know for a fact that I would be completely broken. I probably would commit... nah sero stop this your better than this . Yeah I tell myself that but we both know I'm not....

End of the part. 919 words ;)

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