Part 3

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Sero pov:

Not gonna lie shoto was a bit breathe taking seeing him in what he calls lounge clothes. As he went to sit down I did look but aye don't blame me. Anyways as he was reading listening to music I honestly think that it's time to make a move. I didn't do no yawn no reaching for a book and accidentally touching him. I went for it

I lightly placed my hand on his thigh. He didn't same anything or seem con comfortable so I kept it there. Although when I gave it a gentle squeeze he giggled. "Hey sero wanna swap I'm not into this manga" shoto said placing the manga book down looking at me.

I smile softly and we swapped books. We continued this for about half n hour. "Sero do you maybe wanna um dance? If you don't mind" shoto says. At this point everything is going just right FANTASTIC. "Uh sure what song you wanna dance to?" I said while grabbing my phone to search the song he wanted to dance to.

"Doesn't matter really, oh what's your favorite song? We can dance to it. I will try to dance I don't really know how". sho says. this is just perfect. (The song linked below I feel it's best to play the song when I give y'all the warning it's just better ;) IF YOU KNOW THIS SONG ILY)

"It's fine I don't mind we just having fun anyways doesn't have to be perfect mi amor" I say basically scared of what he might say. "Okay then lets go have fun then" he says getting up and grabbing my hand dragging me up with him. I play the song before setting my phone on the bed.


Shoto looked a little lost for a second until the words came on. He smiled softly and grabbed my hands. Swaying his hips while stepping back and forth so I matched his energy. He laughed softly as we made eye contact before spinning around. I was blushing most definitely. He was so cute. I then pulled him closer. Stepping left then back right then back. I spin him around and bring him back closer as we continue. Until he breaks the hand to hand action to do a little freestyle dance so I do too. By the time the song ended all you could here was laughing and chuckles.

You did good sho for a person that "can't dance"" I said with a small chuckle at the end of the sentence. "Well I just wanna say you most definitely saved the embarrassment when we started dancing together." Sho said blushing a bit. Which was a shocker I never EVER saw shoto blush besides in first year when midobro and shoto had a thing.

Honestly I don't wanna think about that. So I continue my flirty actions of course. "Hey maybe wanna listen to music and just cuddle?" My heart was beating of course this is a risky move but oh well. "Sure I don't mind I would love to listen to more of your kind of music" shoto said while sitting on the bed.

I sat on the bed next to him when I got comfortable I opened my arms and he crawled in my arms. I grabbed my phone and we just sat there cuddled up listening to music. Not gonna lie I didn't want this to end AT ALL . I finally get to hold him. Even though I wasn't expecting him to give in at all I mean it's shoto we are talking about. The shoto with 30 walls put up. I feel like I only got threw 3 honestly. 3 down 27 more to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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