Chapter One

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~Chapter One~

"Haley!" I heard someone calling. I made some unrecognizable sounds into my pillow, and pulled the blanket up over my head.

"It's the first day of school, hun. You have to get up." My mother's voice reached me through the blanket, and I groaned. She was right. It was going to be my first day in the new school.

"Five minutes," I muttered, turning over.

"Alright, but I'll be sending Sam," she warned. I sighed in relief, and closed my eyes to cherish the last few minutes.

I woke with a jolt, completely confused and hurting. My soft bed was no longer beneath me.

"What the hell?" I muttered, untangling the blankets from around me.

"Mom said to wake you up." I looked up, to see my brother standing high above me and smirking. It was a weird position to be in since normally he's only several inches taller, not feet. I glanced around, and realized that I was now on the floor next to my bed. Sam had pulled the comforter, making me fall off. That asshole.

"Get out of my room, now!" I screeched. He just laughed and smirked again, walking out of my room at his own pace.

Slowly, I got up from the floor, and went into my bathroom. Shedding my pajamas, I turned on the shower, adjusting it to a reasonably warm temperature.

Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around myself and went into my closet. Yes, I had a walk-in closet, and yes, I had my own bathroom. My mom, brother, and I were doing well with the money she made off of her books.

I examined all of the clothing in my closet. Today was my chance to make an excellent first impression. I needed to look perfect.

After a few more moments of consideration, I finally settled on a pair of ripped dark-washed skinny jeans, a tight white tee that showed off a little cleavage, and my favorite black ankle boots. I left my blonde hair in it's natural waves, cascading most of the way down my back. I applied eyeliner with a touch of mascara to finish off the look. Giving myself a once-over, I smiled, pleased with my work, then headed downstairs.

As I walked into the kitchen, the delicious smell of pancakes hit me. I took in a deep breath, sitting down at the kitchen island.

"How many?" my mom asked without turning away from the stove. Sometimes I really considered if she had eyes on the back of her head.

"Two," I said. She handed me a plate and silverware, and I took it eagerly. I watched as my mom leaned back against the counter, running a hand through her brown shoulder-length hair. I had seen a picture of my dad, so I knew that Sam and I shared our blonde trait from him.

"Are you ready for your first day of Clayton High?" she asked me. My fork paused halfway to my mouth. I had forgotten all about the new school. I was no longer attending Middleburgs' high school. I had no friends at Clayton. They were all new people. The familiar tug of worry took over my stomach, and I set my fork back down on the plate.

New people. But that's what you wanted, I reminded myself. Yes, the whole point of me transferring to Clayton High my senior year was for a fresh start.

"Haley. Eat," my mother ordered, pushing my plate closer to me.

"I'm not really hungry anymore," I murmured.

"I'll eat it!" I heard Sam yell. He then appeared in the kitchen doorway, looking around for the food he had claimed. "Ah, pancakes. Score."

Sam, my 13 year old brother, also the one who had oh-so-gracefully woken me up this morning, reached for my plate. I let him take it, while my mom sent me a disapproving glance.

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