Chapter Two

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~Chapter Two~

The bell rang, signalling the end of fourth period, and I bounced up and down in my seat, eager to get to lunch. The girl I shared a table with smiled weakly at me as I rushed the last few questions on our lab (yes, they were making us do work on our first day of school). I immediately hopped up, gathering my books together.

"See you tomorrow, Haley," my lab partner said.

"Bye..." I trailed off, unsure of what her name was. I knew it started with an 'N' - Nicole? Nelly?

"Natalie," she informed me, shooting me a smile. 

"Bye Natalie," I replied apologetically before rushing out of the classroom. I was pulled into the rush of the students as I tried to figure out where my locker was. I was meeting Avery there since her locker was so close. I spotted the number 56 on a locker nearby, and I headed down the hallway in the direction of the increasing numbers. The only problem was that I got hopelessly turned around, since right as I rounded the corner, the numbers skipped up to the 200's.

Students pushed by me, and I just kept walking, hoping for a miracle. I recognized no one, and I wasn't very keen on the idea of asking for help. Eventually, I gave up, sighing to myself as I turned a corner. But the minute I stepped around it, a wall of force knocked me backwards, off my feet. I landed sprawled out on the ground, thankful that most of the students had cleared the halls and went into where ever the lunch room was.

"Shit," I heard someone mutter. I didn't bother to get up, just stayed on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" the same voice asked. Then, all of a sudden I was being yanked up to my feet by my waist.

"I have legs, you know," I mumbled under my breath, yanking out of whoever's grasp I was in. I didn't even bother to look at the person before reaching down and picking up my books.

"And a nice ass," they added. I nearly choked on my spit, straightening up immediately. My mouth opened to fire a line of insults, but my words died in my throat as I stared at the wall that had knocked me over. He was about five foot eleven, with short dark brown hair that was gelled up in the front. He had a gorgeously toned body, and the most attractive face I'd seen all day. But the one thing that caught and held my attention the most were his eyes. They were an absolutely beautiful shade of green, making me practically melt into a puddle at his feet.

"Like what you see?" he asked cockily, smirking at me. My face flushed, but I managed to keep my cool.

"You wish," I replied. I kept a blank expression as I brushed my blonde hair out of my face.

"You're lying," he pressed. His voice was serious, but he looked highly amused.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. Serves him right for checking out my ass. He still didn't look even relatively convinced, so I put an even more uninterested expression on my face. We stood there for a few moments, my eyes locked with his gorgeous green ones.

"See you later, Hailey," the boy said, winking once before turning around and walking away.

"It's Haley," I called out, but he didn't turn back, just continued down the hallway. It wasn't until he had rounded another corner and disappeared from my line of sight that I realized I hadn't told him my name at all.

"Haley! Where the hell have you been?!" Avery shouted as I came around the corner. The hallways were now completely empty, and it was ten minutes into our lunch period.

"I got lost," I told her, sheepishly ducking my head.

"Oh fuck," Avery groaned. "That's my fault, I knew you were in Science and that's all the way in the east wing! I should have gone and gotten-"

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