S1 Part 2: The Explanation & I need a Vacation

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"Well shit" a voice echoes from above as a Blonde rushes in yells,

"HI JIJI!!!" An orange wearing, 'why orange' thinks all the anbu even after years, blonde haired boy who happened to be one Newly Graduated Genin Naruto Uzumaki yells "What's up!".

The Old Kage at first says nothing, he just stares his face unmoving with a thousand yard stare then as if he finally snapped just starts to chuckle and then breaks into full blow almost Crazed Laughing.

The anbu sweat as the guess he's finally broke and lost it but unfortunately before they can do anything Naruto who had just been standing a few feet from the Hokages desk with a questioning look speaks up "Jiji?" This snaps hiruzen out of it "Oh sorry about that naruto-kun, what did you need? Shouldn't you be with your team?" The Old man says in a Grandfatherly tone to the young boy.

"Oh well kakashi-sensei gave us the day off after we finished our 'Misson' if you can call D-Ranks that... so I figured I'd visit you" naruto said loudly...very loudly.

"ah..alright then, well as you can see....I'm doing paperwork" hiruzen says with his voice breaking slightly  at the P-Word as he motions to the mountains of paper piles that are on his desk followed by his face deadpaning as he then gets to thinking with that dangerous intellect that gave him his famous moniker 'the professor' during the second Great War.

"Naruto-kun could you please take a seat" Hiruzen says while pointing at one of the two seats infront of his ancient desk which was made by his own Sensei, Hashirama Senju.

"Sure Jiji" naruto replies or more accurately yells back with that bubbly Excitement he's known for,
As he takes a seat Hiruzen begins to speak "So Naruto-kun as you are now a genin and by consequence a Legal Adult, I will now tell you the truth about your paren-"
"WHAT! JIJI! YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T KN-" Naruto yells jumping up from the seat he'd just taking while cutting of the hokage before being quickly silenced by a stern look.

"Naruto you parents were very powerful shinobi with many enemies who would not hesitate to kill you if they knew who you were, Your Father left me instructions, instructions that I could not refuse as I made a promise to them that you would not be told their identities until you were strong enough to protect yourself" with a deep sigh he continues "I am sorry Naruto-kun that i have had to lie to you but I swear to Kami and promise to you that i was just following the request they made before they passed away and the promise i made to them and now as to the reason it was hidden as I said before was because they had many enemies in and out of konoha, enemies that would not hesitate, as said before, in killing a defenseless child to get back at them. I could not and would not risk you heritage getting out" with a quick handsign he then motioned to the anbu to leave and after quickly checking for any unwanted guest seals the room via a silencing seal.
Naruto nods numbly and sinks further into his seat "i-i understand jiji...so wh-who are-i mean who were they?" naruto ask, quieter than hes ever been before.

"Your mothers name was Kushina Uzumaki, Heiress of the Uzumaki Clan of The land of Whirlpools and one of the last or possibly thee last Uzumaki alive, she was also... the previous and second jinchuuriki of the kyubii" he pauses before continuing so naruto could think and then continues before interruption although not that Naruto would as he was in too much shock from the information.

"Your father was a hero just like you.....his name was Minato Namikaze, better known as the 4th Lord Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato and before you ask the reason he sealed the kyubii in you, well for that there are 3 reasons
One, You are a Uzumaki and only Uzumakis can hold the 9 tails as far as we know, Two, You were the last Uzumaki that we know of and he couldn't seal it back into you mother as she was dying from wounds she received fighting the 9 tails and Three, He couldn't ask someone else to give up their child as he was to noble of a man to do so, he trusted you, his son to protect konoha as he Had"

Naruto now just sat contemplating everything he had learned in the last few minutes which had felt like hours and while naruto thought Hiruzen got back to work he was actually writing something up quickly.

"Oh and in other news" Hiruzen says after quickly writing up the 'offical' paperwork, Walks around the desk and puts the Hokage hat on narutos head "Congratulations Naruto-kun, I need a vacation and I'm giving you the hat, lord 5th" he says in a sickly sweet tone which causes narutos brain to promptly shut down, So while it attempts to reboot hiruzen summoned and informed Dragon, the anbu Commander of Naruto's appointment as the new Lord Fifth  Hokage of Konoha, so as to make sure that Naruto wouldn't have any legitimacy problems, he then quickly leaves via Body Flicker, goes home packs up and leaves but not before saying goodbye to his family and letting them know where he's going to vacation which is on a beach resort in the Summons realm.

-Updated 01/01/24-

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