S1 Part 11: The Sannin Return

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In Konoha

Hokages office

Naruto sighs, He had Just got out of another long...very long and very boring meeting with the Aburame clan Head Shibi Aburame and Now he was tired unfortunately he now had another meeting with the oh so fun and bright..oh who are we kidding, a meeting with the ice cold Lord of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga was next...regarding not only Shinobi placement with that being the placement of those in his clan on assignment but also a marriage agreement that He'd found while going thought his parents things which had been in the Hokages Personal Vault.

Apparently the Agreement was made between Naruto's mother Kushina Uzumaki and Hinatas mother, It was an Arranged Marriage Contract Between Naruto and Hinata...that was made offical By the signatures of Naruto's father Minato Namikaze And Hinata's Father Hiashi Hyuga, Naruto sighed because while he didn't hate hinata, he didn't know her well either as she'd always just been the shy creepy girl in the back of the class that followed him around sometimes and well the agreement was to have them engaged at 13, a little young in his mind but then again they were Shinobi and could die at any moment, it also stated that they were to be married at 18...hm well he'd have to discuss this with Hiashi first before anything else.

Suddenly His door opened without any warning and In walked Anbu Commander Dragon leading... Jiraiya and a Very...Very Pissed off Tsunade Senju 'well shit' along with her apprentice. Sigh "yep this is going to be a long day" he muttered to himself.

Tsunade and Jiraiya looked shocked, both because a young boy whom looked genin age was sitting in the hokages seat and wearing the hat, Jiraiya because it looked like he was seeing the ghost of his former student, or atleast a mini-ghost, and Tsuande because seeing a boy that young wearing the Hokage hat made her think of her younger brother who had died in the Second Great war.

That's when Naruto decided it was best to speak up before they could speak "Hello Jiraiya-San and Tsunade-San and you as well Shizune-San. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, But my Full Birth name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and I am the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato" he said with a slight smile on his face while looking at them, he was also laughing internally at there expressions of pure shock, this was going to be fun.

'Oh this was going to be fun' He thought to himself.

-Updated 01/01/24-

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