S1 Part 18: The Fight

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Land of Waves, Battlefield

Zabuza After jumping back and while speeding through hand-seals looks at Inu "you know Anbu-San, its very rude to interrupt a man when he is in the middle of Killing a useless brat, Its only common ninja courtesy".

Inu chuckles and does a mock bow "Sorry for that But you see....since I'm responsible for These 'brats' It wouldn't look very good on my record if they died on their first offical high-level mission while being under my care, I think my Fellow Jonin can agree hm?" Everyone Facefaults at this...even zabuza.

"Well anyways Zabuza-san... I figured a Demon would rather fight a skilled opponent, but I guess since you've been on the run your skills must have gotten rusty eh?, That must be it, you've gotten so rusty that now you can only take on genin" Zabuza growls at this forgetting the jutus he began he decides to just charge Inu with his sword "why you littl-" before he's cut off and has to jump back again to avoid Asuma and Gai who charged at him, Zabuza after safety landing rushes through a dozen different hand signs before shooting off a small...Water dragon? Water Dragon Bullet's?, Gai, Asuma, and Inu Easily Avoid the Water Dragon Bullets as if they were child's play and Retaliate quickly, Gai Punches the Ground caused a large chasm to open up in the earth forcing Zabuza to jump up high into the air towards a tree, this is followed by Zabuza suddenly hearing Asuma Yell " Wind Release: Great Breakthrough" while Inu rushes through hand signs in a blur and yells "Fire Release: Grand Fireball jutsu" both attacks combined and nearly hit...well nearly cook Zabuza, luckily he's able to Pull off a Replacement jutsu with a random log, bless the Holy Log, Zabuza lands of a high tree branch just in time to be kicked right in the face and sent Flying by Gai, causing him to lose a few teeth, not that anyone could tell because of the mask, before he could even react.

Zabuza swears he heard someone say something about the power of youth? What the hell does that even mean...and did he also see a sunshine in that man's smile?...what the fu... then he slams into the ground but before the Leaf-nin could do anything further to damage, kill, or cripple him Zabuza quickly recovers and sends out a massive Water Dragon after blurring Through hand signs, Fortunately for the jonin and anbu the could also dodge this, unfortunately the genin could not... so Before the water Dragon hit them Gai and Kurenai moved infront of them while taking the hit, normally this wouldn't do much to a jonin or you'd atleast think it wouldn't do alot of damage to a veteran shinobi but as Gai would later say 'they hadn't had enough youth in the moment'...translated for anyone who is normal that means they just had shit luck, therefore Gai and Kurenai were knocked out almost immediately and simultaneously by the dragon but their luck seemed to turn around because as just as Zabuza along with Inu and Asuma were getting ready to power up some A- ...Borderline S rank attacks a hunter nin appeared from the trees before quickly killing Zabuza,
The Unknown mask wearing Hunter-nin only gave a short response of "Thank you for Weaking Zabuza, I have been Tracking Him for Weeks and with your Help I have accomplished my mission, it is most appreciated" before promptly disappearing in a flutter of wind along with the body.

Inu immediately dropped, passing out but not before making sure everyone was safe...he then fell flat on his face? Mask? Maskes? Anyways the genin and Asuma along with crow ,who had sat back and watched, carried the unconscious Jonin and anbu to a nearby house of the man building the bridge between Fire, but they all got the feeling this was far from over.

-Updated 01/01/24-

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