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"So Jazmine, how is your mom?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because she is my ex wife..."
"Well pretty fine, I hate her"
"She would hit me dad....and se never bought me clothes only for Erika.....i hate her for that"
"I am so sorry Jazmine"
"You left me too, why couldn't you just take me!? Where you scared!?!?"
"THEN WHY!?!?!?!"

Then my dad walked out.

And never came back for me.

I began to cry.... cameron was right, why would I want to back to someone who left me.

I called gaby, I didn't want cameron to say "I told you so" in my face.

"Hey gaby can you come over please, I need help"
"YA bæ be there in a bit"

15 minutes later she came j. With sour patches and Arizona, she knows me so well.

"Aww you know me so well..... give me the Candy-candy"
I said with crab hands.
"Ooo you haha, what's up"
She said siting in the chair and putting her legs on my bed.

"Well, my freaking dad came to see me and freaking embarrassed me in front of cameron and then I tell him want my mom did to me and he leaves because he didn't want to answer my question"
I said kinda crying.
"Wow, deep"
"I just hate my life gaby"
"Why, don't say that"
"My mom beats the crap out of me, my dad just left with out saying goodbye and me and cameron aren't a thing and if we do, what if it never last.... I can't"

"Jazmine.... I am here, I am never going...anywhere"
"YA I know but... I really wanted my parents there for me but none were there"
"I understand....but forget it now, you have me and matt and cam and mrs.dallas, tommy,sierra, jake and jaxx you have everyone Also Burnie!!!"
"Haha ya, thanks for cheering me up"
"No problem"
"I can't wait to leave"
"Me too....we gotta go Partyyy"
"Matt planned a party for you"
"Oh cool"
"Ya, maybe you can find someone"
She said winking.

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