Nice to meet you!

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(L is for Leslie✌🏼️🎈)

When L and I came back from the "ruining the ex's
Life" plan we went in the tent and found cameron and bridget sleeping.
Leslie scram.

That is when cameron woke up and cover himself because he had his shirt off.
"Ohh hey"
He said rubbing his eyes.
He got up and he had on only gym shorts, so you could see his 6 pack.
"Oh hey babe"
He said after realizing I was next to L.
He hugged me and I hugged him back.
"Wait you guys are a thing!!"
"Ya, sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't because you are a fan so ya but know that we are friends you know !"
"It's cool,you guys are so cute"
"Thank you"
"I know you guys are having a no fan time but may I take a photo!!"
"Ya sure"
Me and cameron said.

L took 3 one with me and cam, then only me and L and the last one with Cam and L.

"Thanks,my friends are going to cry haha"
"Haha ohh cam"
"Leslie needs to stay"
"Why? Is everything okay!?"
"Long story....."

I explained what happen even the plan and he began to laughed his butt off.

"Okay ya it's cool"
"Thank you so much babe"
I said kissing him.
L said.
"I know you want this..."
Cameron said with his eyebrow up.
"No I am good, I am a jack fan"
She said blushing.
"Ohh ya about that, I found her kissing gilinskey hehehe"
"Jazmine!!!! I told you not to tell no one"
"Come on this is cameron Dallas you are talking to, he won't tell"
But when I look at cameron he has this evil funny grin on his face.

"No, oh no no no, cam oh don't do it. oh ma god"
Then he ran out.

Then I saw his figure stop, and run back.

"I thought so haha"
Then I kissed him.
"I love you Jazmine"
"I love you too cameron so much, I admit it, I will scream it out to the world if I need to"
"Ya, that would sound nice"
Cameron said with a pouty face.
He said smiling and laughing.
"I love you"
And I kissed him.

We walked back holding hands.
"Cameron, I need to tell you something about gilinskey"
"What's up"
"When I was drunk, I fell and he picked me up and took me to the tent and said he wanted to change my mind, for being with you, he said I would be better with him and stuff then I slapped him and he left and then I found him kissing L, so everything is okay now"
I said going in front of him putting my arms around his neck.
But he didn't put his hands on my waist, he looked down with pain, he looked like he was going to cry.
"Forgive me"
"I-I kissed someone"
" When I was drinking but not that drunk this fan I guess came up to me and kissed me and I kissed her back"
I began to giggle.
"This is Coachella its okay, but if you touched her I would've kicked you in the balls and leave"
"So do you forgive me, I don't want to lose you because I just got you back"
He said beginning to cry.
"Cameron aww don't cry"
"I love so much"
"Me too, okay listen"
"I am not happy with what you did but I am so happy you told me the truth, this is going to last"
"You are the most sexiest person I have even seen"
"Yes you are so hot"
"Hey we are in public"
"Maybe back home tomorrow"
He said biting his beautiful lips.
I said walking back trying to tease him.
I scram Back.

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