Give up

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I cried for 2 hours straight.
I mumbled to myself.
I called on the phone.
"Yes are you okay"
"No!? Cameron left me, where is leslie"
"With me, where are you"
"At Arizona help me"
"What is wrong"
"Ccameron is gone and I might kill myself please help me"
"Stay there"

I ran to the bathroom and got a blade, and cried with every strike I took.

Once gaby came, I had 11 scars.

"Let's go, get your stuff"
I got up and got my clothes and walked to her car.

It began to rain and I just looked out the car window.

"Talk to me"
Gaby laughed.
"There is nothing to talk about"
"What about you leaving tomorrow"
"I plan to leave today"
Then she stopped the car.
"Wow!! Chill"
I said almost flying out the window.
"You can't leave"
"I don't want to see his face anymore he hurt me, I first want to say goodbye to the squad"
"Haha okay"

We made it back to Los Angeles, and I said bye to everyone .

I cried.
"Aww jazzy I am going to miss you"
"Me too"
I walked to the jacks and hugged them both even gilinsky, well the cops said he was on drugs and he only had jail time for 3 months, we all forgave him even me.
And I Walked away .

A/n sorry so late and short I haven't had time to update but I promise tomorrow.

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