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walking out of dan's room to go on the date was one of the hardest things phil done in a while. he knew he should have just texted troy that dan was going through it and they should wait on the date. but no, here he is sitting at a dinner table waiting, fifteen minutes past the time he was supposed to meet troy. he gets a text and pulls it out seeing it's from dan. he hits the call button and puts the phone to his ear. "are you okay dan?" he asks the boy on the other side of the phone. he hears footsteps approaching him and turns to see troy. the shorter dark skinned boy, who was way more muscular than he is. 

"yes philly. i told you there was no need to reply. we can talk about it when you get home. if not tonight tomorrow, or whenever," dan says. "enjoy your date," he says hanging up. phil frowns as he hears the noise. 

"you look really handsome phil," he says and after a pause asks"who was that?"

"oh it was just dan, his brother is in hospital," phil says to the boy who sits across from him. "i just wanted to call and make sure he's okay," phil gives a half smile. 

"i thought we had talked about you and dan," he says. "about you talking to him during our time together," troy explains as if phil didn't already know. 

"i know love, but you weren't here, i just thought i should give him a ring," he says as if he's guilty of something. after a few moments the tension from the conversation is gone and the two boys start laughing. phil's tongue sticks out the side of his mouth and he catches himself. troy rolls his eyes. 

"you look so ugly when you do that," troy scoffs. phil's laughs turned into a frown. 

"yeah sorry it's an old habit," phil replies he looks down at the menu. "should i get a salad?" he asks knowing that he shouldn't eat any pasta or pizza. 

"duh, you know carbs don't sit well with you," troy says looking over the menu. 

"troy, i know could you please not. not tonight," phil says. 

"what? you're the one who told me to remind you philly," he says. 

"dont call me philly" phil sits the menu back onto the table. "you know i care for you. but don't call my philly," the words come out harsher than he meant them to. 

"i will call you whatever i feel like," troy says. ''you are my boyfriend, that nickname shouldn't be reserved just for dan, it's not like you're in love with him right?" phil bites his tongue. he hasn't disclosed his and dan's past to the boy yet and tonight didn't seem like the night to do so. not on the one month anniversary of their relationship  and three months of them going out on their first date. 

''yeah sorry," phil nods. the boy silently looks back to the menu. his eyes scan the menu to pick which salad he might want. one he could get grilled chicken on possibly.

after a few moments the server comes back to the table. "what can i get the two of you to drink?" he asks pulling out his pad of paper. 

"he'll have a water and i'll have your best red wine please and thank you," troy responds without a chance for phil to speak. he looks to the waiter and nods with a forced smile. once the server walks away phil looks at troy wanting to speak but no words would come out. he hears his phone in his back pocket and  stands up. 

"i'm going to run to the bathroom, i'll be right back yeah?" phil says pushing in his chair. troy looks as if he is going to call him back, tell him no but he didn't. the boy just nods. phil walks to the bathroom and pulls out his phone. 

it was a text from dan, again. 

dan <3: hey im sorry if i sounded rude earlier. i just didn't want to interupt your date. you deserve to be happy tonight and not have to deal with me. why don't you just stay the night with troy tonight yeah? I'll clean up the house and it'll be all ready for you when you get back. you deserve it after cleaning my depression cave. yeah? 

phil knew immediately something was wrong and quickly texted a reply. 

phil: i'll be home in 10. 

the tall raven haired boy walks out of the bathroom putting his phone away. "troy i'm sorry i have to go home," he tells his boyfriend. troy shakes his head. 

"you're not leaving me here alone. you're not going to embarrass me like that. why would you even want to leave? am i not treating you well enough?" troy asks before even giving a phil a chance to explain, or more come up with a lie as to why he had to go home early. 

"of course you are," he realizes he's lying straight to the boy's face. tonight has been one of the worst nights with troy. he should just give up on him and find someone who treats him right. maybe... maybe he will. "troy i have to go home. there's something wrong with dan and he is my best mate," he tells him showing there was no way the boy would stay. "i just know i need to go home," he says. 

"then i'll come with you," troy says. phil shakes his head. 

"why don't you come over later tonight okay?" phil says. "but i need to be there for dan now," he says. he picks up his jacket off the back of his chair and walks out of the restaurant without another word. he sees a taxi and hops into the back of it giving the driver his address. he pulls out his phone again while sitting in the back. 

dan <3: philly please don't. 

phil: im already on the way. don't try to fight me on this. im in a cab. 

dan: no please. 

phil asks the driver to speed up a bit and the lady in the front seat nods her head. in less than five minutes the driver pulls up. the till was only 10 dollars but phil gave her 20 and thanked her quickly hopping out of the car "would you like your change?" she asks as phil goes to close the door. 

"no thank you for the ride," he says running up to the door of his home. he unlocks the door and runs to dan's door. 

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