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Her small office shoes made the clicking sound as she walked from one end of the office to another. The creases on her forehead increase as she moves up and down.

"Miss Jamal,it's time for lunch" Mahmud said through the open door and she heaved a tiresome sigh.

"A minute please,I'll be there soon inn shaa Allah" she put forward her index finger without paying attention to her brother.

"No minute,No second...follow me" she smiled sheepishly before he added "Now!"

They walked to the dining room where the whole family was present except the duo. The whole family as in Mr Habeeb Jamal,Mrs Maryam Jamal,Mrs Asiyah Jamal...Baby Muhammad! Mahmud and Asiyah's two year old son. Mahmud placed his beloved son on his lap and sat beside his wife.

"Bismillaah" they all chorused before opening the delicacy in front of them.

"Only Noor used to do this" Mahmud's smile dropped as she looked at Ayesha. "We all miss her a lot" Quietness prevailed on the table and everyone had their food in silence.


Zuhr came and the whole family assembled in the prayer room,as they'd been doing since forever...since Noor was there. Now...they'd do it without her. It was not something they'd soon get used to.

After salaah,everybody leaves the room except Mahmud and Ayesha. They spend hours praying for their beloved sister and sometimes even fall asleep after getting tired of whispering to Allah and crying.

They comfort each other and shed tears on each other but never have they given up on each other.

Ayesha is now a successful lawyer who has handled a lot of cases. She was so good in her profession and so honest. She does everything in her power to fight injustice and violence. She pays more attention to cases regarding children who are being maltreated or whose parents claim to not want them and who keeps custody of the child between divorced parents.

She spent quality time learning shari'ah and whenever a case comes up to her,she never forgets to pray two rak'ats and ask for Allah's guidance towards the truth.

This attitude of hers make many enemies of Islam see her as an enemy and many lawyers have made it their job to fight against her....they just don't know that Ayesha doesn't give a damn about any hater! She just does her own thing and drinks her cup of coffee! She has always been that way!

Ayesha took bath and went to visit her Paa. She's bought him a new compound where he stays with Waleed. Ayesha's Maa passed away last year,a very sad year for them all. She lost her Maa and her sister in the same year. Every single day,Ayesha visits her Paa and makes sure to spend quality time with him to make sure he doesn't feel the loss of his beloved wife. She spends the night there sometimes,just for her Paa.

The car screeched to a halt at the gate and she walked in. She said her salaams and got replied by both Paa and Waleed. Waleed was spending quality time with Paa and was keeping him comfortable. Ayesha had heard their soft chortles at the gate and met them enjoying each others company. Waleed is a very good example of the perfect son. Ayesha yearns a lot to be like him when it comes to dealing with ones parents. She was the one who taught him how to treat one's parents by teaching him the following verses : "Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age with you, do not say to them a word of disrespect, or scold them, but say a generous word to them. And act humbly to them in mercy, and say, ‘My Lord, have mercy on them, since they cared for me when I was small” (Quran 17:23-24). But Waleed seems to put this into action so much so that Paa's praises always trail upon him.

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