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I may not believe it if I'd been told that one day,I'd be sitting in Deen house,in a room all alone,waiting for my groom....he is called Umarr Deen,ZawjAyesha! The most handsome groom was made for me you know. I pulled my satin dress closer to myself to calm my nerves. It's true that I don't easily get scared or nervous but this day was an exception. It's a whole new thing,the beginning of a whole new world.

I had some minutes to myself and I used them to imagine how life would be for me as a married woman. Many thoughts ran through my mind but one thing was for's unpredictable. And one thing is possible...prayer and perseverance is needed from me for a perfect married life.

I stretched my hand towards the nightstand to get access to the glass of milk that was properly covered but before I could touch it,the door opened and the sound of Umarr's footsteps were all that one could hear. I felt goosebumps and yeah,butterflies in my stomach. I placed my hands back and used them to hold my leg firm on myself.

"Salaamu alaikum Cutie" he whispered and distentangled my hands holding the other softly in his hands. "May I see that cute choco coloured face?" I raised my eyes and looked at him through my veil. I slowly nodded and a smile creeped up to his face. He swiftly lifted it...

"Wow! This is enough for me!" He whispered again. I wonder what's with him and whispering. I couldn't say anything for my lips were together and my cheeks, could call it a blush!

He leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead. My eyes went close on the effect of the contact.

"I love you" he said,this time...audibly. I looked at him and search through his eyes to see whether the emotions that come from his last three words dwell in his eyes too. Like a bliss,his eyes really glittered with the love. "Say something Ayesha" he opened his eyes wide and that made his face look funny. I giggled. "That's like it my beautiful bride...let's pray" I nodded and followed him. I removed my upper veil and got into a khimar. Together we faced our Robb and prayed for the best! At the end of the prayer,Umarr put his hand on the front of my head and said: "Allaahumma inni as'aluka khayraha wa khayra ma jabaltaha 'alayhi wa a'oodhi bika min sharriha wa min sharri ma jabaltaha 'alayhi (O Allah, verily I ask You for her good and the good of what You have created in her, and I ask seek refuge with You from her evil and the evil of what You have created in her)."

"Ameen" we both uttered. He rose to his feet and gently wrapped his prayer mat,he then gave me his hand to help me rise up too. I was about to bend to collect my prayer mat but he stopped me,as the gentleman that he is,he wrapped it too and placed it on top of the closet.

I walked back to the bed and sat,fiddling my fingers.

"I'm sensing something unusual" Umarr sat beside me.

"What is that?" I asked.


"Are you nervous too?" I asked.

"Not really...don't be nervous dear. This Umarr here is your gentleman. He won't hurt you in anyway. They say marriage is not a bed of roses but I'll make yours a bed of roses. It's not a mere promise.....wait" he walked to the closet and took out a bag. He poured the content of the bag on the bed and red roses occupied the space on the huge bed.

"Amma make you a bed of roses everyday! My Ayesha! Umarr's love" It was not of me to shed tears on everything but my eyes were full of tears without my accord.

"Hey...don't cry. Please" he rushed to the other side of the bed,where I stood and wiped away my tears.

"I really don't want to cry but what to do? I can't help but wonder! How perfect Allah is! There was a time when I lived in sadness,sorrow and pain! And you know what...I don't even cry. I do believe good days would come but you know what's incredible...the days that Allah gave me are better than the ones that used to be in my dreams! I got all the things that I used to lack and more. My shukr seems so small to me. I just want to thank Allah but I know I cannot thank Him enough! How perfect Allah is!"

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