1. [Selina Kyle] Strangers to Friends

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Y/N was walking around the noisy streets of Gotham. She was alone, as always. 

When Y/N was younger her mother left her with her father, who was an alcoholic, her mother did promise to return though but as always in the movies and books that we watch and read, Y/N's mother never returned. 

Her father told her that she died in a car crash but that's always what the other parent tells the child when the parent they like even dislike dies out of nowhere. 

Anyway, while walking through Gotham Y/N bumped into a black figure but she managed to catch the persons appearance. 

It turned out it was a girl. She had frizzy light brown hair with green eyes she was also wearing all black from head to toe.

"Watch it" Y/N said as she kept walking then climbed up onto a near by roof but it turns out the girl she had just bumped into was up there 

"Uhm, how did you get up here" Y/N asked the girl who was sitting down on the roof with her back to her

The mysterious girl turned her head then stood up and walked towards Y/N "People normally call me Cat, I'm Selina Kyle" She said as she stuck her hand out for Y/N to shake  

Y/N shook Selina's hand hesitantly because she has heard about Selina. 

"So what brings you up here, on a roof?" Y/N asked Selina

"It's none of your business" Selina said as she began to climb down but Y/N followed her 

Once they both got there feet on solid ground Selina turned to Y/N  "Could you help me with something?" Selina asked her 

"Of course, depends what it is" Y/n responded, she sounded unsure about what Selina was going to ask her 

After Selina told Y/N what she needed help with they arrived at Zach's Diner, Y/n looked at Selina confused "How do we get in, we can't just walk through the front door" Y/n asked Selina while following her to the back of Diner 

"There is a back door, we can use that" Selina replied as they walked 

"So you told me Bruce needs help but from what?" 

"Not what, who, and Jerome Valeska" Selina replied answering Y/N's question 

"Right, of course it's him" Y/n said 

"I know right" Selina agreed "Bruce thinks everything Jerome does is his responsibility, It gets annoying after a while" 

Once they entered Y/n saw Jerome and Selina told Lunkhead to back off of Bruce since he was being crushed, Selina tried to shoot the gun that she got from Jerome at him but Bruce fell on top of Selina to stop here then Jerome ran for it and Y/n ran after him 

She ran for a while after him but then there was this big crowd of people that she ran through after him but  he disappeared into the distance. 


Alright what do you think of this? 

*If you have any requests please tell me* :)

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