Chapter 57

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sorta sad chapter :') you're welcome

Konur Alp and Osman Bey walked around the Kayi Tribe's training field, glancing at the other Alps now and then.

"You said you wanted to tell me something, Bey," Konur reminded his friend after some small talk, referring to the other day when he was grooming his hose by the stables.

"Ah yes," Osman nodded, now turning his attention to his Alp. "Kuluchaisar Castle has been pretty busy lately as you know. Our enemies may be silent, but they are always on the move, always thinking. We need to be cautious."

"But, Beyim," Konur said after a second, furrowing his brow. "Isn't the Kayi Tribe at peace with the Tekfur? Didn't our Ertugrul Bey sign a peace treaty with them?"

Osman Bey nodded slowly. "I know...but not everyone is happy with this treaty. We still need to be prepared." Konur nodded before Osman continued. "For that, we need to know the fortress of Kuluchaisar inside and out. Do you get what I am saying?"

"You want me to spy on them?"

"Yes...and not just for a few'll be there for a year...maybe more. Are you up for this important duty?"

Konur thought for a few moments, then placed his hand on his chest with a smile and replied eagerly, "Always, Bey. When do I set out?"

Osman patted his shoulder, then glanced at his father's marquee and the blacksmith's shop near it to see his cousin. He turned back to Konur. "You won't be going alone. I will send someone with you."

Konur glanced at the ground then back at his friend with a hint of playfulness in his expression. "You don't think I can handle it alone?"

Osman chuckled and started walking toward the marquee, Konur right by him. "Estaghfirullah, Kardasim. I know too well what you can handle, but this is a job for two."

Konur glanced around, wondering where his Bey was headed. "Who's coming along?" he asked, but Osman just continued strutting, a smirk painted on his chiselled face.

They stopped by the blacksmith's stall, exchanging greetings with the Demir and Ceyda. 

"Why do you look like you're about to leave for a mission?" Ceyda asked Konur, vaguely pointing the sword she was told to test out at him.

"Well, maybe it's because I am going on a mission," Konur replied wittily.

Ceyda squinted her eyes at him, then glanced at her cousin. "What is he rambling about?"

"Since you've disclosed your secret mission to Ceyda, Konur Alp, she will be the one accompanying you," Osman said, faking a disappointed tone.

Konur jerked his head to his Bey, then glanced back and forth between him and Ceyda who stared at the two in confusion. "A secret mission, is it?" she then exclaimed.

Osman opened his mouth to speak when Konur cut him off, "No, no, this has got to be a misunderstanding. I didn't tell her about it, she-she practically knew it already. You heard what she guessed." Konur was not looking forward to spending the next two years or more, trapped with someone who would either annoy him the whole time or end up ruining it. 

Ceyda playfully narrowed her eyes at Konur's response and placed her hands on her hips to look offended. Osman only shook his head and tutted. "I tell you about a mission without involving the other Alps, and you go ahead and spill it to Ceyda. Obviously, you wanted her to come along-"

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