03. duo~lingo~

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¿𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴?

→ teen wolf || stiles stilinski

→ themes: fluff,

→ !tw! : none

→ words: __862__

→ unedited: 01/02/2021

There was a taping on Stiles' window. He was in his bed, sleeping, as it was currently twelve-thirty am. He sits up, groggily yawing, vision still blurry as he walks to his window.

When his eyes adjust to the darkness he gasps, hastily ripping the latch open and letting the breezy air of the night in.

And, letting her in.

Niko gives Stiles a shy wave, "Yo."

Stiles can only respond in rushed whispers, "Whatthehellareyoudoingdoyouseriouslyknowwhat timeitiswhyareyouatmywindowhowdidyouevengetuptheremyroomisonthesecond-"

Niko puts a finger on his lips and shows off her flawless white wings. She's half angel, her mother was an angel, but fell as she had fallen in love with a mortal, her lovely parent. Her mother is... gone, and her Pama, well, they'd moved Niko and themself all the way from Columbia to Beacon Hills.

"Can I... sleep over?"

Stiles nodded, mildly blushing as he admired how her dark skin illuminated in the moonlight.

"Yeah! Yeah, yeah... of course, it's cool."

Niko smiled and enclosed her wings, eventually, they disappeared, seemingly into her back, "Thank you, Stiles."

Stiles nodded and awkwardly closed the window back up, his lips slightly pursed. He liked her subtle Spanish accent, but he'd never tell her, he wouldn't want her to become self-conscious and then and hate him for pointing it out.

Stiles shook is head, trying to calm his rushing thoughts, he spun around and made finger guns to the bed, "So the bed? The- uh- you wanted to sleep? I'll just sleep on the floor if you want-"

Niko smiled and sauntered to him, she held his jaw and admired the small birthmarks that adorned his cheeks, "Why are you so nervous?"

Stiles hums, "Well, uh- I know we've kissed but it was kind of in the heat of the moment and I was worried that I freaked you out. Not that I didn't mean it, I mean it was a great kiss, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Also, I'm, just very caught off guard because you are in my home, at night, in my room, and did I tell you that you look really hot?

Niko frowned playfully, "So... does that mean you like me?"

Stile's eyes look straight at Niko's deep brown ones, "Well. I guess so."

Niko raises her eyebrow, her hands on her waist, "You think so?"

Stiles' hands reach to her cheeks, and he notices that her undereye is a bit pink, her eye lids a bit puffy, had she been crying...? Things have been a bit intense around Beacon Hills...

"I'm sorry. I know. I think you're... really really badass."

Niko sighs happily, "You're alright I guess."

Stiles makes a face and Niko sticks her tongue out, "Kidding, mi vida~"

Stiles' thumb brushes her upper lip, "I know that one, I've been using Dou~Lingo~."

The dark-skinned teen chuckles quietly, "Oh Si? Y que "lingo" tu sabes?"

He makes a stressed face, "Uh... Tu tienes... razon todos... los ti-e-mpos..?", popping the 'p', in attempt to be cute while embarrassed at his sad Spanish.

Niko pulls him down for a kiss, "Wow. You sure do know your stuff," she says in a teasing tone.

The teen hums in satisfaction of the kiss, and then before it can get heated he separates them and pulls her to the bed.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm a genius. And as much as I'd looooove to kiss you, this genius wanna sleep."

Niko shrugs, "Fair."

The normal guy/genius pulls the half-angel into the bed and under the covers.

They face each other and cuddle, Stiles being the little spoon. He doesn't quite know how it ended up that way but oh well, no complaints from him.

"Sooooo, Nikoooo. Why'd you wanna sleepover...?"

Niko stays silent for a second until sighing, "Just... had a bad dream, didn't want to be alone."

Stiles hums and Niko turns her back to him, he wonders and then touches the top over her back, feeling her muscles relax underneath.

"Say, Niks, where do your wings go?"

Niko's head turns slightly to him, "They're tattoos," she then lifts her shirt up, "See?"

Stiles's finger traces the eloquent markings on her back, "Wow. It's beautiful. Were you born with them, your wings I mean?"

Niko turns back around and nods, playing with Stiles' hair, "Yes. Gave my Pama quite the freakout."

Stiles hums and gives Niko a soft kiss on the cheek, one the nose, on the corner of her lip, "Have pictures?"

"Haha. I wish you'd seen my Pama on the floor from the stress of having a half-angel for a child. Let's just say... we didn't have a lot of vases or glass antiques in our house for a long while."

"I'd like to see a little Niks."

Niko strokes Stiles' nose with her pinkie, "And I'm sure pequenito Stiles was adorable. Now, mimiz time."

Stiles smiles and his eyes flutter closed as he wraps his arms around Niko.

"Buenas Noches Stiles."

"No...ches Niko..."

*Pama is a genderneutral term for parent --- papa and mama intertwined

¿𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴?

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