Deal is a Deal

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The rain came down and looked like silver sheets. The sky was a dull grey and growing darker with the setting sun. The world was grayish as the dark clouds boiled overhead and spilling down in a thick curtain. Water running over the ground like satin ribbons in the breeze.

Four figures hurried quickly through the rain. One holding an umbrella over the middle figure who was the second shortest. The shortest was behind the other three getting rained on as there was no space left under the umbrella. They came up to a rather impressive house. The tallest of the group snapped something at the smallest figure. A young girl that he gave an order too. She stopped and seemed dejected before turning and walked around the side of the house to a servants entrance. The three kept moving and went up the large steps under the overhang to the door.

The three at the door stopped there. The house was huge, a mansion and most of the windows were a glow. The man standing there closed the umbrella. It had been he who'd snapped at the smallest figure that had disappeared. With him were two women, well one was only fifteen. His eldest daughter, and then his wife. He smiled at his daughter, she was his pride and joy. Unlike her younger sister.

"I'm so proud of you. This is a great privilege. We need this and you will be set for life Natasha. Remember that." He was very serious now. It had taken a lot of talks and negotiation. Mr. Standish knew this was the best move. One to ensure his family's safety and fortune.

"I know, I'll make sure that I do everything right." Her father smiled at her.

"Stand still Natasha, I want to make sure you are perfect. This dreaded rain!" Her mother said fixing her daughter's bright blonde hair that fell in beautiful spirals. Her eyes a vivid blue like her mother's, but her hair was more like her father's who had a dark blonde. A handsome man with bright green eyes.

"There, and your dress is still clean." It was a pale pink color that complimented her well. She gave her mother a smile. The white of her teeth flashing. Her mother was every bit as beautiful with a dark green dress that she wore. Her dark hair spiraling down to her shoulders, most of it pulled back from her face and clipped. It was clear the family came from money.

"Let us proceed then. We told him we would be here at five and we are a few minutes early." Karl lifted a hand and knocked. Natasha straightened herself and took on the look of a lady. Though she was fifteen she still looked the part of a young woman. Her mother Courtney stood behind her daughter and they waited as the door was pulled open. None of them giving a thought to the younger family member they had sent off like some kind of servant.

An older man was standing there having answered the door. He had a severe look about him, his brown eyes taking them in. Almost went colder than they had been a moment before. But what was a servant to them? Nothing, they had their own.

"We are..."

"I know whom you are Mr. Standish. Please come in. Lord Vento is expecting you. Follow me please." Said the man with a very slight bow and turned. The three moved forward and the door closed behind them.

The entryway was huge, with white tile and a grand staircase that swept up to the next level. A huge clock was at the top against the wall. You could either go left or right into the rooms that were there, or up the stairs. They went to the left and came into a large room that looked like a sitting area. A huge fireplace faced the main entry way with windows on either side.

"Have a seat. Lord Vento will be with you shortly." The man bowed again and left. The two women sat down but Karl stayed standing next to his wife and daughter. There was a large chandelier in this room that gave off a good amount of light. They were patient, no good would come of being rude or impatient. The Ventos were powerful figures.

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