Thinking You Know Someone

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"This will be fun, aren't you excited?" Natasha asked with a bright smile.

"So much I can barely contain myself." Malachi answered. Natasha didn't seem to hear him as she looked for the others that were to meet them. He really didn't enjoy some of the things that they went and did. Especially since it was normally dull things with Natasha's group of friends. Could they go do something he'd like for once?

Next to him on his other side he heard Ariel choke back a slight laugh at his words. Ariel obviously got his sarcasm. She was however looking the other direction not making eye contact as normal. Why was he here again? Oh yeah, trying to pretend that he might actually be able to like Natasha a bit more than he did. He mentally told himself to try. Natasha seemed to think there was more here than there was.

He'd rather be working than doing this right now. Natasha was at his home more than not lately to hang out or stay. Simply because she didn't work and they were going to be getting married in a year or so. The date had been set and it was announced as well. His father urged him to go out with the rest. He was twenty six. This was not fun to him. All this time had passed and his feelings toward her had not changed. She didn't change, and there was no real end in sight at the moment with the struggle for land here or money. If anyone thought that shit took a couple days and well placed words you were wrong.

Currently they were at a beach at the moment and he looked up at the cliffs around that jutted up and over the water. Some extremely high. He could see others jumping off of them, that might actually be fun. He swore if they were stuck down here laying in the sun tanning all day or some shit, he was jumping off the highest one head first.

"It's not as bad as it looks. You should learn to relax a bit." Ariel said to him quietly. Natasha moved calling out to her friend Marie as the three of them approached the beach area through the trees. Three others showed up, a Nick, Kyle and Sam. He watched Ariel spread out a couple towels and then sit down looking off into the water.

She came a lot with her sister. Mainly to do her sister's bidding. He never asked her for anything nor required her to carry anything. However Natasha did all the time, had Ariel do her hair, and clean her room. Sometimes he wondered how Ariel was still putting up with it. She was twenty two now, and he had yet to see her with any real friends. He hoped for her sake she was finding a way to save up money and move out from her parents and sister. Though they sure liked to keep a short leash on her.

He kept watching Ariel as the others came up, she wore a light blue sun dress that covered the swimsuit she wore. She never took it off though, at least that he had seen. She always kept herself covered, but came with the pretense like she might swim. He'd like her to take that sun dress off, because he was curious to know if her body looked like her sister's.

Malachi pulled his gaze away from Ariel. It liked to stray there a lot when he was bored with nothing else to do. His gaze wasn't the only one either. After all she was good looking, and so were the rest that were with them.

"Malachi!" Came a loud voice. Not one from their little group. He turned to find the source as did a few others. Jogging toward them was a taller man about Malachi's age. He had sandy blonde hair and hazel colored eyes, an easy smile on his face.

"Cameron." Malachi called back. He felt so relieved to see him. He wanted to shout, "Save me from this hell!" But he didn't. Cameron had an easy smile on his face, and was probably Malachi's only true friend. Malachi wasn't introverted persay, but he really didn't care too much to make a ton of friends. He was fine with the few he had. Initially he'd asked CAmeron to come with so he had someone to talk to. Cameron said he was probably coming here today already with a couple others. He was glad that was true.

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