Father Son Talk

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Malachi jogged up the stairs to the front door and went in. It was quiet in the house but he could hear a faint sound coming from somewhere upstairs. He sighed and hurried up the next flight to the second floor where he heard Jeremiah grumbling complaints to Darcy.

"Don't see why he has to be so foul. It's not like we don't know nor have we dealt with such things before." Malachi walked toward them as Darcy spoke.

"Because we are difficult. Hasn't changed back yet then?" Malachi asked.

"No, still in there growling away." Jeremiah said angrily. Clearly thinking that Malachi's father was being an obstinate child. Malachi did feel a bit of humor, however when injured your animal liked to come forward to protect you.

"Sometimes it's hard to control yourself and the urges. He's just worried about attacking you, and that he was caught unawares." Malachi informed them. They just needed to let his father calm down. He should be healed enough. Malachi would check him though.

"Well you see him then. Let him know that everything is packed and ready to go so we can move back out to Herth." Darcy said with a smile. Malachi just gave a nod. He moved toward his father's room and heard the low warning growl. They were supposed to move back to their house in the city already. They attack clearly had put them behind.

"Hush up old man." Malachi said opening the door and going in. The room was a large and across the way a large grey wolf pacing the room. This after all was their greatest secret. Why their family left so long go to come here and work the land to make it what it was. If they couldn't be accepted in their home world, then they went where others didn't know. That way they could live in secret. Better that way, still sometimes for those like Malachi and his father, you couldn't always control the shift with high emotions.

They were oddities, and people had begun to notice things about them. They were high profile, rich and much sought after. People liked to follow them with cameras. So certain behaviors were sometimes seen, but never a shift. Some back in their home world thought them werewolves. Did they exist? Well Malachi figured that they had to if he existed. They weren't werewolves, they didn't change people with a bite. They didn't change with the moon, though urges were strong then. They weren't immortal either, just physically and psychically gifted. They had made a home here and used their abilities to their advantage to keep their home. That was all, not attack and hurt people.

"Jeremiah and Darcy have everything packed and ready to go. I spoke to Cameron, he says that all is well with his family. No attacks and they will be doing a thorough investigation into what happened here." Cameron was Malachi's closest friend. Also a changeling like they were. His father was head of security and Cameron would take that over one day. The wolf gave a grunt. When they were severely injured this part of them took over, until they were healed. Don't ask why they didn't know, it just did.

"Good, I want to be out of here tonight." His father said shifting finally. He grabbed a robe that was in the room. Malachi's words and intel calmed him enough. So he pushed his wolf down and tried to calm it. He was still really bruised and it hated that his son had also been harmed.

"I figured you were good enough to shift back. Why so testy with Jeremiah?" Vento gave a shrug.

"I wanted to be left alone, and they were being persistent. Only time I have an excuse to ignore people. Have them stop asking things of me." Malachi looked at his father, he was getting older now. Grey hair was starting to over take the brown. But he was still as strong as ever. Malachi raised an eyebrow at him.

"You better not cut out early on me. I'm not looking forward to the responsibility that will be dumped on my shoulders." Vento gave a sigh.

"I know, but sooner or later. You are already dealing with a lot of aspects. I appreciate that you have been handling the shipping logs and inventories. With all the problems in the colonies and villages, plus the outbreak of fighting and threat of war, it's been hard." Vento felt bad, his son was only twenty one but shouldering a lot of responsibility. He was missing out on being a young man and the freedom of it. All his time had been in schooling and learning the business. Malachi had always been an older soul in a young body. Still looking at him Vento wished it was easier for him. That he could be a bit more free.

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