2 the mysterious green eyed lady

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"I love books

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"I love books. I like that the moment you open one and sink into it and can escape from the world,into a story more interesting than yours will ever be. " Amaya lightly smirked at her thought , before she was dragged into concise.
Amaya again was ignorant of the time when she was at the library reading. And this time it was almost 3am . But, what was bothering her more right now was this quote from sense and sensibility "when I fall in love, it will be forever" What a extraordinary writer jane Austen was. One of a kind wasn't she? Never married, but because of an unrequited passion with a mere stranger wrote so many priceless jewels for the English literature.

This really made Amaya think about her own destiny, instead of her usual path to her apartment, she took the longer path through the ponte San niccoló bridge and this one route connected all her fate and destiny to Bhavya Roy Chowdhury.

Engrossed in her thoughts and tangled in her own world, Amaya reached the bridge and suddenly a strong smell intruded in her nostrils urging her to find the reason of this strong smell. And there she saw Bhavya collapsed on the end on sanity
But, there she didn't saw a broken man but to her he felt like home and everywhere I haven't went all at once . She realised sometimes we find solace, familiarity and home in people even if they are mere strangers.

It was a peculiar magnetic force attracting me towards him as if I were a possessed soul. I didn't knew what to do, so I gently placed his head on my lap as, I realised he was losing consciousness. I tried my best to lift him up but he was way, way more heavy than me, so it wasn't possible for me to lift him up. Also, I couldn't possibly leave him here, but there wasn't any other way out as well. So I decided to rush to my house and drive my car to here. It was raining cats and dogs I push my body to the fastest I could walk in this rain , I reached my house and I drove my car back to him. There he was like a life less body still at the edge of the bridge. I didn't knew him but still seeing him like this was killing me , I didn't knew why was this happening to me. But, I didn't had the luxury to think I have to take him to the hospital. I tried my best to lift him up to place him inside of my car's back seat and this time I finally succeeded. I was driving really swiftly but I still noticed him murmuring maa, Big D bachao, bachao save me.
I really felt sorry for him..

It took about 15 minutes for is to reach the hospital.
I quickly went up to the reception and breathing heavily said
"Hello! I need help there's a unconscious man in my car.

Certainly madam!calm down

After a few minutes helpers took him out of the car into the ward and after another half an hour doctor called me in his office.
" Ciao, doctor I am Amaya"
"Ms.Amaya the man is really intoxicated, the alcohol levels in his body is way over the normal levels and is poisoning his body, miss how was he able to consume so much of alcohol? "

"Ummmm.... Doctor? "

Oh! My apologies my name is doctor Claudio Francesco Caputo.

"Yeah! Doctor Caputo, I actually don't know him I was going to my residence from the library and I saw him collapsed on the bridge so, I went to check on him and it struck me that his pulse is fading. So, I decided to bring him to the hospital. "

Well, thank you Miss Am-all-ayaa for bringing him here, we would have to keep him under surveillance for atleast 3 days after him gaining consciousness.

Certainly doctor Caputo it was my duty to bring him here, but is he all right?

Fortunately, he didn't died but yeah there are a few points to surely worry about due to immense alcohol consumption his heart rate is irrelevant , hypothermia , hypoglycemia and seizures can be witnessed. But, if he wakes up within the next 16 hours, we can rest assured as then the dark clouds will be lifted. Rest assured miss. We will try our very best.

Sure doctor.

Whatever the doctor said if he doesn't wakes within 16 hours, something is gonna happen.

Doctor may I see him once?

Yeah, you may miss.

Thank you

Amaya entered the hospital ward . Her eyes fell on his disheveled messy brown hair, he looked like a Greek god. their first encounter was too fast and hectic for her to notice his appearance. All she could notice was his eyes his grey eyes. She smiled at that memory, not it wasn't that old of an incident to be called a memory.
Actually while I was crossing the bridge it was too dark to see where the smell was coming from but I froze at the glow of bright grey eyes that almost appeared white in the moonlight. His almost closed eyes we're salty from the tears , his eyes told me stories to make my heart weep . I wanted to wrap him around my arms, so I did.

A ward boy came into the ward and conveyed
"Madame, these are the patients clothes and belongings we found within them. '

" Thank you"

After nodding the ward boy exited the room. I kept the clothes aside and looked at his wallet and there was a leather covered diary, perhaps a personal journal.

I took his wallet opened it to see whether I could find some sort of his identification proof. I was ecstatic when I found his license to practice law. Oh, his name is Bhavya Roy Chowdhury. It's a beautiful name. I smiled finally I something about him.
He's a senior advocate of Florence high court, not bad. Then I didn't wanted to but just for the sake of may be finding any of his relative or friend's telephone number Or address. I flipped the black leather cover in the first page it said

Bhavya Roy Chowdhury
A. K. A
Started- 10 October 1921
"I would really appreciate if you don't look inside it contains something from the core of my soul, my raw self and personality. "

He has quite a messy handwriting, I thought gazing up to his face. But , now after reading the first page I was sure this would not contain any telephone number Or address. It's just something personal to him. So, I kept it back.

Amaya's skin was getting irritated by the wrist watch she was wearing so, she kept it on the bed side table beside bhavya's other belongings. She was really really sleepy by now. She didn't knew when she dozed off beside Bhavya.

Bhavya on the other hand in the dark world where he was left alone could smell a really soothing fragrance. It was nostalgia. It was the fragrance of that girl who had green eyes. The smell of frangipani and sandalwood. He grasped for her hand even his sub conscious mind he could make out her arms near him. And that moment Bhavya didn't thought about why she was here? Who she was? But the feeling of familiarity and affection he felt with this girl in just a moment of shared eye contact was something he hasn't felt ever before with even the most familiar of faces. He didn't at all costs wanted to let her go. He grasped her arms. And with that a small smile could me made out on his face....

Ciao reader! Hope you all are in good health...
Yeah and one thing I would like to covey Dr. Caputo is Italian, so yeah that's the most natural thing that he won't be able to pronounce Amaya on hearing it once. So, yeah and I also hope the story isn't getting boring for you all.
This is today's second update. Hope you like this one as well
And thank you for your votes and views in the previous one.
I might and might not post an update tomorrow. But, rest assured I will surely update on Sunday.
And don't forget to comment about how you lik the cover.
You can find me on Instagram @narayanswarnim

With love,

-Swarnim Narayan❤

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