And now the cybernetic shoe is on the other foot

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It was a sunny afternoon while an angry beast boy lay in bed think of ways to calm down
"One dead cyborg ,two dead cyborgs , three dead cyborgs . uuuhgggggh." beast boy was beyond Pissed because of the events that took place earlier today

*Time Skip. 45 minutes earlier *

beast boy and raven were in the hallway staring at each other . they had been dating for two months but neither of them had ever said those three special words. Beast boy intertwined him and Raven's fingers and caressed the side of Raven's face "beast boy I -" she didn't get to finish when beast boy placed his thumb over her mouth as a method to shush her he traded close to her face . close...... closer....... their lips brushed each other's and then 'BAMM!!!!'

Yea I know its short but I haven't updated in a while and I wanted to give u guys something and a break from depressing chapters but tell me what u thinks going to happen love u guys "MWAH" bye and thanks for reading

The Lady Behind The Beast (beast boy and raven )Where stories live. Discover now