Night Of Champions 2012

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It's finally the day of the pay-per-view, Vi was too excited to fall back asleep once she woke up in the morning, knowing she had the big title match tonight. Justin was still fast asleep with his arms still around her. She was able to shift a bit so she was looking up at him. She smiled at how peaceful he looked and decided to let him sleep a bit longer before waking him up. 

"Justy..." She tries waking him up. 

He mumbles incoherently, holding her tighter.

"Wake up." She sings, starting to run her fingers over his chest. 

"Five more minutes..."

"Fine." She chuckles. "That's all."


She laughs to herself, letting him get a few more minutes. After the time past, she tried waking him again. "Times up love." She runs her hand over his cheek, playing with the hair on his face.

"Seemed like a much shorter time than five minutes.."

"You didn't even go back to sleep, did you?"

"Not really."

"That's why it seemed so short." She laughs. "Hope it wasn't my fault."

"Oh no not at all."

"Alright." She smiles. "I'm just too excited about tonight."

"I can tell."

"I can't believe that tonight is the night. It seems like we just had the battle royal for this."

"Speaking of Battle Royals. Guess who's in the pre-show battle royal or a shot at the United States Championship?" He grins. 

"Are you serious?!" She squeals. "Justy, that's amazing!" She squeaks, leaning up and giving him a kiss. 

"Found out yesterday."

"Finally they did something right. Just think, if you win then we'll both have titles."

"And that would be amazing."

"Yes it would be." She grins. "Just thinking about it is making me...excited." She bites her lip. 

"Well we can hope for the best tonight."

"I'm sure it will be." She nuzzles his neck. 

"I know you're gonna win your match, that's for sure."

"I know that. I should just go get the title from Layla right now. That's how sure I am I've got this won."

"Well regardless if both of us win tonight or just one of us win tonight, it will call for celebration."

"Of course it will." She grins. "What kind did you have in mind?" She smirks, licking her lips. 

"I think you know."

She blushes, hiding her face in his neck. "I do." She nods. 

"I thought so."

"Do we really have to get up or can we stay here until the show?" She whines a bit, not wanting to move. 

"Well I do wanna make a gym trip before we're needed at the arena later today."

"That's something I'll get up for."

"You always do."

"What can I say?" She shrugs. "I like seeing you in gym clothes."


"When did you want to go? Soon?"

"Whenever you feel like going."

"In a little bit. I'm too comfy right now."

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