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"Get off me cory" you say in antagonizing pain.

Cory had you pinned on the ground sitting on your stomach making it very hard for you to breathe.. "nah bitch, you wanna embarrass me in front of my friends huh?

He slapped you in your face, still pinned on the ground you started to get dizzy.. as soon as you felt yourself going unconscious he got off of you

"Now don't ever think you're going to talk smart to me again bitch, especially not in front of my people"

You started to cough and spit up blood as you began to sit up. Not knowing how you did anything to get yourself in this position in the first place.

As cory walked out the room you started to think back at all the memories when you guys first got together..

He was so sweet...



But one day he just changed, out of the blue just snapped and ever since that night he took control over you, your body, your mind, everything..

As you got up you walked to your dresser and changed shirts, the one you had on first now had light red blood stains on it.

You walked down the steps slowly not wanting cory to hear you because if you were to loud you figured he'd beat you again...

As soon as you got to the bottom of the stairs you saw cory in the kitchen sitting at the table...

You slowly tried to creep back up the stairs before you heard...


Your heart completely dropped out of your chest

As you began to walk over to the table that Cory was at you saw him get up from the table...

"You're n..not going t..to sit at the table?" You stuttered

"Dammit yn, did I tell you to fucking question me HUH?" He said slamming his hand viscously on the table.8

"No s..ss...sorry Cory"

"I got you some food, If you don't want it then I don't know what to fucking tell you than." He exclaimed pointing to the McDonald's

"Thanks" You said getting up to grab your food out of the bag..

As you watched Cory scroll through his Ig you ate in silence...

He looked so beautiful, but you were so afraid to even tell him that.. fearing what he might do or say next

Tears falling down from your eyes you finally had enough courage to ask

"Why? Why Cory? What did I do? Why are you treating me this way? All I ever did was love you unconditionally"

Cory looked up from his phone sucking his teeth..

He then walked over to the table you were at and sat down next to you.

Staring deep into your soul he finally said..

"Why, you really wanna know why yn... do you really wanna fucking know?" He said looking angry

"Ye..yes I do."

He then eyed you, It was almost like you guys were having a stare down

"That night... that night when I was at the hospital for my grandma's cancer, you stayed here..."

You quickly said "Cory you could've told me to come I would have been the..-"

Getting cut off Cory said "Bitch shut the fuck up I wasn't done talking"

You quickly sealed your lips together

He continued...

"You stayed here, I didn't let you know I was on my way home.. I got home and started walking up the stairs..."

Tears now rolling from his eyes you think you know exactly what he was going to say

"I started walking up the stairs and heard you, I heard you and someone else in the room... the door was already half way open and I saw you yn.. I fucking saw you... I FUCKING SAW YOU HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE... YOU WERE FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE IN OUR BED YN.91

You now had tears streaming from your eyes knowing that Cory was telling the truth, you were having an affair

"Cory I'm so so sor...-22


Cory quickly turned his head away from you and continued to talk..

"Thaa.. that n..nii..niight my grandma had died yn.." He stuttered

"She died and I was coming home to tell you that.. but then I saw you and just left... you didn't even know I was there... just watching. I gave you my world, my life, everything you asked for I never said no to you yn.. I never cheated on you yn, I always loved you.. and you cheated on me, I didn't deserve that and the fact that you did it the night I was going to see my sick grandmother shows how much you really gave a shit about me."

As you sat in silence listening to him stutter and cry about the situation you felt a hole in your chest

Not understanding what he was going through and you did that to him

Now knowing why he treats you like shit...

You slowly grabbed him by his chin.. turning his face towards yours

"Cory... I'm sorry, I truly am... I messed up and I take responsibility for my actions.. I am not the victim and you have every right to feel how you feel towards me"

"You didn't gii..give a fuck yn... YOU DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ME YN"

You were not a victim, you felt his pain.

"Me staying with you every since then yn, Because I wanted you to feel the hurt I felt.. I never told you I found you cheating, I started beating on you, disrespecting you, hating you and I never wanted to tell you why.. I just wanted you to feel what pain is like. That's why I stayed.

"Cory I know I mess..-

"Stop yn.. After all this time of me abusing you, I truly still love you and I truly still have a lot of pain and hurt, and hate in my heart that I need to release."

He started getting up

"It's time for me to go yn.. I'm sorry for what I put you through these past couple years..."

You started pleading your case

"Cory please no don't leave me, I fucked up, I did, I know just please stay with me... you can beat me I don't care just please don't g..

Cory snatched his arm away from you

Looking at you in disgust

"Look how pathetic you are yn.. wanting me to beat you as long as I stay"

He sighed of disappointment

Packed his belongings

And left...

Never coming back and never speaking to you or seeing you, again.....

Abusive (Coryxkenshin imagine)Where stories live. Discover now