Part 6: Questions

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It was early in the morning and I was sitting on the couch putting Jaydens hair in a messy bun. Cory walked into the living room and said "Dang, I never noticed how much hair she had." "Yeah. Too much. I'm scared to cut it because it might get longer." I said. "I mean, mine got longer after I cut it." Cory said. "I have a question." Jayden said. "What's up?" Cory said. "Am I a nigger?" Jayden asked. "Who told you that?" I said. "No one. I heard someone say that anyone black is a nigger." Jayden said. "That's not true. And I don't want you saying that word until you're older, okay?" Cory said. "Okay." Jayden said. "Okay. You can go watch SpongeBob now." I said. "Yay!" Jayden said. Cory's phone rung. It was on speaker.
Cory: Hello?
Cory's mom: Hey Cory
Cory: yeah
Cory's mom: Let me keep Jayden for the weekend.
Cory: Why?
Cory's mom: Boy don't question me. Bring my grandbaby over here.
Cory: Okay I guess
I laughed.
Me: Gotta love black moms.
Cory: Yep
Jayden: Am I going over grandma's?
Me: Were you eavesdropping?
Jayden: No. Grandma talks loud on the phone.
Cory: She ain't never lied.

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