Meeting Lauren and Her Friends

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What do I say? Karly thought. She wanted the kids at school to like her, but had no idea what to say to them to try and fit in. She was currently on her walk to her new school with Taylor swift blasting from her ear-buds. She knew that most of the kids from her old school will be attending this one, but Karly is hoping for some new faces that she could possibly obtain as friends. She misses having someone her age around to talk to, instead of just her family and the old postman that only comes on Sunday's. She misses running and playing tag with the older kids as well, because they gave her someone to look up too. 

She approaches the school grounds, and looks up at the big scary looking highschool that's now standing right in front of her. Karly glances up and silently reads the name McGreggor Secondary School getting used to the name and thinking of all the possible things that could happen today. Her thoughts are mostly positive and she smiles to herself, getting almost excited fro school for the first time in nine years. That is, until she glances down and notices every pair of eyes are on her, most of them are pointing and laughing at her, while a few look nervous and sympathetic. 

She doesn't understand where the sympathy is coming from until she feels something smash on her head, and liquid dripping down onto her face. "Ha, Kalry the loser!" Everyone starts chanting around her. "Welcome to McGreggor, I hope you like your stay!" Her ex-bestfriend Maddie says. 

Karly looks around and sees everyone laughing at her, while the occasional teacher shoots dirty looks to the students but do nothing to help. Karly sighs and looks down, feeling tears brim her eyes, but does everything in her power to keep them in as she walks quickly to the nearest bathroom. She remembers where everything is from the grade nine welcome barbecue during the summer. The grade 10's who would now be grade 11's volunteered to help out with the barbecue and lead their designated groups around to try and introduce them to the school. 

She almost fainted when she saw who would be leading her group, the popular Lauren Jauregui. Even though she wasn't gay, she had the biggest girl crush on Lauren ever. Lauren was two years older than her but everybody in the school boards knew of the populars. She also constantly stalks her on every social media platform, along with her friends, Camila, Dinah, Normani and Ally. She secretly has a massive girl crush on all of them, and she hopes that no one has noticed otherwise she would never hear the end of it. 

She turns left and aggressively pushes open the door of the bathroom, throws her bag on the counter and goes to get some paper towel to try and get the egg out of her hair. She wets the paper towel and dabs the top of her head, then picks out the little shell pieces. She crouches under the drier and tries to dry the top of her head to make it less obvious that her hair is wet. 

Once her hair is somewhat dry she races to her locker, which she got during summer so she had a slight advantage to the already experienced highschoolers. Karly throws any unnecessary binders and paper, then heads to the office to pick up her timetable. 


"Alright Laur. who is it gonna be this year?" Camila asks Lauren as they watch everyone scramble around looking so nervous that they will barf. Every year, since around grade six, Lauren and her friends choose someone that's younger than them to play around with and become they're friend but almost like their toy. They joke around with them and become friends, but sometimes make them do stupid things that could get them in trouble. Some people wish to be this person, but others feel sorry, because it could go either way. The person could become super popular and cool, or they could get in a lot of shit with the cops.  

"I say we go for the year below us again, they were super fun." Dinah says looking over the grade 10's. 

"I agree with Dinah, they were willing to do anything for us." Ally says with a mischievous grin. Normani hums in agreement, as Lauren looks over the crowd trying to find someone. She knew she was the final decision, mostly because she was the leader of the group, even though everyone in he group was an equal to her. 

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