Sleepover Part 2.

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It wasn't too long after the movie had started, for Karly to fall asleep in Camila's embrace. Camila kept checking to see if Karly was alright, it was an adorable sight to everyone, even to Lauren. Of course the girls felt a little jealous, but they knew that they would each get a Karly moment some time soon.

It was almost the end of the movie, so Dinah was getting a little antsy, wanting nothing more than to win the bet and take control of Karly for the rest of the year.

Soon enough the credits rolled on the screen, just as Karly began to wake up as well. Perfect timing. Dinah thought to herself. She couldn't wait to spill the beans for the girls. "Good morning, sleepy head." Camila mumbled to Karly.

The youngest girl yawned in response and snuggled further into Camila. Karly almost completely forgot about how Dinah found out her big secret, until Dinah clapped her hands together and said: "Soooo as you all know Karly has a little crush..." Just as those words came out, her breathing hitched and began to shake her head violently, trying to get Dinah to stop.

"...on... Wait for it... Jake Grayson!" Dinah yelled. Karly groaned waiting to be fired at with questions from the girls.

"Seriously?" All the girls asked at the same time.

"Oh my god this is perfect! We have to set you two up!" Camila said happily. Just then it clued in with all the other girls what Camila was talking about, but Karly still had no idea.

"NO! Please don't!" Karly burst out. She didn't want to be set up with him, he probably didn't like her anyways, Karly thought. All the girls looked at eachother and smirked, forming a plan and communicating without words.

"Alright, we won't!" Normani said, lying. Karly looked up relieved that she doesn't have to worry about the embarrassment. 

"Alright, so what are we having right now?" Dinah asked the group.

"Uhh... A sleepover?" Ally asks confused to where her taller friend was going with this. 

"And what do girls normally do at sleepovers?" 

Normani then understood immediately, "Truth or dare." She said with a smirk.

Just as the words left Normani's mouth, Karly sprung up from the couch and tried to escape, with the thoughts 'hell no' running through her brain.

Without even moving, Camila's reflexes were fast enough to grab the back of Karly's shirt and hauled her back over the couch and into her lap. While the girls giggled a bit at Karly's failed attempt, Karly was a mix of embarrassed, frustrated. Frustrated, because Karly new she wasn't going to be able to get out of this, and she'll probably be seated between the girls practically chained to them; nervous and embarrassed because she had never played truth or dare before, let alone attend a sleepover or any social gathering after school, so she had no idea what to expect except for a lot of awkward questions.

The girls on the other hand were very excited about the game, they wanted to get to know Karly more, and possibly see the odd embarrassing task that their younger friend would have to do. The girls all get off the couch and sit in a circle on the floor so everyone can be seen. "So who wants to start?" Camila asks clapping her hands together.

"Me!" Ally shouted happily.

"Alright Alls, truth or dare?" Camila asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Truth." Ally replied, "Oh and let's start off easy and build it up alright?"

Everyone nodded, especially Karly who made a giant motion with her head to signal that she liked that idea. So far, Karly can kind of understand the game, or thinks she does, she can only base it off of what she's seen in the movies. And if its anything like the movies she should be fine, but all the movies she's seen are all PG-13 and under, so the game isn't that dirty.

All the girls including Karly came together to decide the question they were going to ask Ally. Normally only one person comes up with the question, but the girls decided that they wouldn't do that because they knew that Karly probably wasn't as experienced or relaxed about this situation as they were.

"Tell us about your first kiss."

"Seriously? Wow you guys are lame." Ally says chuckling a bit. But, she continued to tell them the story of how her boyfriend back when she was 15 took her to a park, and they kissed on the bridge as the sun was setting. Karly thought this was adorable, and hoped that some day when she does get her first kiss that it will be as nice as that.

After Ally was done telling her story, Karly knew that now Ally got to choose their target, and she silently prayed that it wouldn't be her.

"Alright, Camila?" Karly subtly fist pumped, thanking Ally for choosing someone other than her.

"Dare! Go hard or go home fam." Camila said, making a weird 'gangster' sign with her hands.

"Exchange shirts with the person closest to you, and you have to do it in this room without getting up." All the girls smirked at you, that's when you realized that you were sitting in Camila's lap, therefor the closest to her...

"Can I go into the bathroom?" Karly asked shyly. All the girls shake their heads, waiting for both girls to pull off their hoodies. Karly swear she saw Lauren nodding her head, but to who?

Then in one swift motion the hoddie that used to be covering Karly's body was thrown off of her, by none other than Camila Cabello. Karly screamed at the sudden motion, which scared her because she didn't expect it. Then she quickly folded her arms over her chest, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. Wait... Oh my god... Camila just undressed me... Karly's eyes went wide in her realization, and if possible she shrunk further into Camila, who was also now shirtless, and blushed a deeper shade of red.

"Oh my god, look how red she is!" Dinah said pointing towards Karly. All the girls started laughing with her, and Camila pulled her into a little hug.

"Come here babe." Camila said pushing Karly up a bit, then putting her hoodie over Karly's head. Karly quickly put her arms through her sleeves, turned around and koala hugged Camila, burrying her face into her neck.

Camila decided to have a little more fun with Karly so she put the hoodie over her head, and Karly's pulling it down, so Karly was in her sweater. "Oh my god!" Karly squealed, and slipped away from Camila, as fast as possible. The girls giggled, then decided to keep going with the game.

"Hmm... Karly?" Camila asked the youngest who was now cuddled into Dinah. Oh no... Karly thought.

"Uhh truth?" Karly squeaked, sinking further into Dinah.

The girls collectively came together, expect for Dinah because she was 'Karly Cuddles' duty.

"Alright, soooo how far have you ever gone?" Lauren asked her. Karly's cheeks grow hot with embarrassment, realizing that she'll have to tell them that she has never done anything.

"Uhh I've held hands?" Karly mumbled, almost in a whisper.

The girls burst out laughing, "Seriously? When was that?" Camila asked, still laughing a bit.

"Uhh, in kindergarden..." The girls started rolling on the floor they were laughing so hard, meanwhile Karly blushed a deep shade of red, which seemed to be all she has been doing when she's around the girls. Karly and the girls are happy that she's finally starting to warm up to them and trust them.

"It's not that bad!" Karly protested.

"Karls... Kindergarden?" Lauren pointed out. The girls couldn't believe that a 14 year old girl hasn't had any interaction with a guy ever, they find it funny but also adorably innocent.

The girls found it funny and adorable, and Lauren did as well, she just hoped that Karly would remain innocent forever. Lauren didn't want Karly to grow up, she feared that if she got a boyfriend or girlfriend that they would take Karly away from her. At the thought of girlfriend Lauren instantly became curious, what if her 'girl crushes on us... were real crushes...

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