Part 4: Sweet Sorrow

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''O Darkness of mine,  
Why do they maltreat you?  
O Sorrow so kind,  
What is it you do?'' 

(Sweet Sorrow - Soren Valentine.) 

''Sir.. You're Mr. Moran's partner, yes?'' 


''Can we talk to you for a moment?'' 


It had been at least 3 weeks now, of Sebastian being stuck in a 'medically-induced' coma which Jim couldn't even argue. He had died on the way to hospital that night. Heart-stopped. Lungs almost giving in. He was lucky they managed to revive him. James knew things were touch and go but his sniper was a tough one and supposedly, they planned to wake him up tomorrow so here the criminal was, on his way to the hospital, sunglasses on. Hidden in plain sight. Always. 

It didn't take long to get there, he'd been staying in a hotel so he could be nearer Sebastian. He scrunched his nose up as he passed the doors at the smell. Sure, he liked cleanliness but the smell was just horrid. Too much alcohol. And not even the drinkable kind. Oh well, it's not like he really cared by this point, his priority right now was Sebastian and seeing the man. He didn't even need to ask where the room was, following purely by memory.  

Reaching the door, he opened it, timidly. He was always scared Sebastian might not be there. Even though he had known the man was, and had been for a long time now, stable. Relieved, still, to find Sebastian in the bed he walked to sit in the chair beside the bed. His hand reaching for Sebastian's, his other hand removing the glasses as he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss to the man's lips. ''Hello you.'' He said, to the air because frankly, even though James was well versed in the knowledge that often people who were in comas could hear people talking to them, he didn't believe in luck or fairytales and Sebastian was beyond important to him. ''They want to wake you up tomorrow... Because you're a fighter, Tiger. Strong. You've beat everything they expected and more. You brave, brave man... Now, you're going to open those eyes of yours, for me, okay? And I promise to kiss you every day of your life and more... Don't you dare give up on me now.'' James sat there, almost enjoying the silence because he could imagine Seb's voice, mocking him for being so soppy. It was so very vivid, enough to make him chuckle out loud. ''I love you, idiot.'' He mumbled.. But he knew the sad truth was he had missed visiting hours by quite a bit and that meant he'd have to go soon. ''Sorry about me being late, by the way, I was excited... for tomorrow. Seeing you, with your eyes open.. Because it has been a while now, Basher, and I'm almost forgetting what colour they are.. Jeanette wants me to bring her through so I have to go get her tonight.. Just remember I love you, okay? Because I really do.. And I'm sorry, about this.'' A nurse opened the door, smiling almost apologetically. ''Visiting hours are over, sir.''  

''Just a moment.'' 

''One moment, sir.'' The nurse said, with a kindly smile. 

Standing, James leaned over and kissed Seb's forehead, his thumb brushing the back of Seb's hand as he walked away, sliding the sunglasses back on. The nurse still seemed apologetic. He didn't mind, for once, kindness was okay with him. 

Night had fallen on the road, headlamps on as he drove back into the depths of London to pick up the younger Moriarty. Jeanette sounded so excited on the phone, he had tried to tell her not to be so excited but she was ever the hyper, more childish one of the two. He didn't mind it so much. When he had left her in Ireland and moved to London he had regretted it. She had just been a child at the time but he would always feel bad about it.  

Arriving at the house, he unlocked the door with his keys and was instantly greeted with his excited younger sibling. ''Jimmy!!'' 

''Hi, Jeanette.'' 

''You look tired.'' 

''Nintey-nine percent of my time is spent in hospitals, of course I'm tired.'' 

''Come get a coffee. Sam's here and so's Irene and I think Fletch is but he was planning to go home earlier.'' 

Sighing, Jim walked into the living room, to be greeted with the sounds of life. ''Jimmy boy!'' Sam called. ''Sam, who on earth said you could call me that?'' 


''..Just because you're shagging my little sister doesn't mean you can copy her.'' He muttered, pretending to be amused because frankly, the fatigue was getting to him. Irene looked fairly tired too, as she shot daggers at Sam through the deadliest glare a man could see. ''Come outside for a moment. Let's leave the lovebirds.'' Jim couldn't have thought of anything better, nodding and turning back around, leaving the living room and instantly wandering as far as way as possible. Suddenly, as he turned to look for Irene, James felt hands wrap around him and the warmth of salted tears hit his shoulders. He didn't say a word, holding Irene close. She was obviously worried, like himself, even though they both knew the man was doing exceedingly well. 

For a moment there was just silence, the two close and quiet until Irene stepped back a little, wiped her eyes and looked up. ''How is he? You haven't said a word to us Jim... we were worried.'' 

''Hey, hey...'' He mumbled, smiling softly. ''He's alright, they want to wake him up tomorrow.'' 


''Yep.. And he's beat all the expectations, of course. Ever the show off, hm?'' 

Irene chuckled at this and Jim felt just the tiniest bit more content. ''You could come with us, me and Jeanette if you want, tomorrow.. But it might be too many people for him... Though, you could still come.'' She shook her head, happy with the offer but knowing better. ''He's yours, Jim. You go...'' 


''Yes, James. Stop being so kind, it's scary.'' 

Jim laughed and both he and Irene walked back to the living room, sitting on seats and enjoying, if only just a little, the sounds of life and excitement.  

Basher would be okay. He always was as tough as old boots.

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