Mistake or not?

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Zephyr tries to make themself sound tired just so the pokemon on the phone could hang up "Hello?" The Pokemon on the other side of the phone yelled into the phone very loudly, "12 random Pokemon got selected for this, You'll have an opportunity to win 1 million poke dollars if you join this wrestling tourney!" Zephyr was woke now for sure, he just replies with "I'm aware, but I'm not inter-" something stops him from saying he isn't interested and instead says that he needs to think about the offer. Zephyr muted himself in the call and starts to freak out just a little. "What am I doing?? I don't want to attend, they're going to think I'm too weak!" what do I do, what do I do??" he thinks about what he'll get out of the poke dollars and what he'll spend it on and thinking if it's worth it, after a few minutes of convincing self, he unmutes himself and announces "I'll do it." the Pokemon on the phone replies "Perfect!" still being loud, and it ticks Zephyr off a little. "Be at the address I emailed you at 4 p.m. on the dot" Zephyr remembers that he deleted the email so he instantly goes to his emails to retrieve the deleted email while still in the call.

Zephyr replies with an "Ok" then hangs up shortly after. He takes this kinda seriously and actually wants to go to the Poke gym to gain a little more muscle since Zephyr himself wasn't that strong.

At the gym

At soon as Zephyr enters the gym, he could sense other pokemon laughing at him but he ignores him and walks to the Gardevoir at the desk where you register, she got Zephyr registered and gets him his own place to work out at. "Thank you!" Zephyr says and the Gardevoir replies with a "your welcome!" slightly smiling at him. Zephyr gets started by picking up dumbells and moving arms up and down, the dumbells seemed a little heavy but after a while, it got easier. After a couple of minutes of using the dumbells, he decides to go on the weight fitness with the barbell, when he lays down it makes his wings in an awkward and uncomfortable position but that went away at soon as he expanded his wings because his hands are attached on the wings. Then he actually tries to lift the Barbell, struggling to do so but after 20 whole minutes he finally lifted it up a little bit and started with that. A couple hours pasts and Zephyr decides to leave the gym and...

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