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Hello everyone, I just wanted a few things before this chapter starts

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Hello everyone, I just wanted a few things before this chapter starts. This book is going under MAJOR and heavy re-editing. I literally cannot believe how I wrote looking back on it.

Two- this book may be on a bit of an on and off Hiatus, I'm back to writing but I have a lot of different ideas for this acc :)

Three- I started another account, I will still be active on this one. Yet I'm using that account to write more different types of genre. izzytroisi !

Four- thank you all so so much for your kind words :) I appreciate you all very much for waiting for so long. Kind souls.

Enjoy this chapter of Pet Shop!

"How the hell does anyone just walk into a pet shop with a gun? You tell me." Chifuyu looked at the latter standing across from him, his eyes tired and mouth turned into a frown.

Manjiro responded with nothing, he just carelessly looked the other way. A bead of sweat making it's way down his forehead. His logic could have gotten him arrested, nobody just walks in a public place with a gun, with the intent of not using it.

Chifuyu scoffed, then he held his hand up, and pretended he was holding an (imaginary) gun. He walked to the door and once he turned himself around his eyes stared at the ceiling. He slowly sauntered towards the inside of the shop, whistling and waving around his fake little hand gun.

"Oh yeah. Yep, this is definitely the place to be while holding a semi-automatic. Such a cute display you got goin' on here." He mocked Mikey.

He walked towards him, putting his finger gun up to Mikey's forehead. He imitated the sound of a gun going off "pew!"

Mikey held a straight face. A cold face. Some things just never change. Chifuyu waited for a response, maybe even a small laugh, before realizing who it was he was talking to.

"Why are you here?" He asked. Putting his hand down from the former gang leader's forehead.

"Just wanted to catch up, you know." Mikey mumbled, searching for something in his pocket. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "You got a light?"

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?" Chifuyu felt his face begin to heat up with anger. Many years ago he wouldn't have minded fourteen year old Mikey coming in his shop, but now, it isn't the same. He isn't that same young boy holding on to hope anymore. He's cruel, cold, and his life has seemed to go down hill. Or so the rumors have it.

Chifuyu snatched the cigarette out of his hand, smushing the burning bud on the floor beneath his feet. He kicked the bud towards the entrance, scoffing at the "gangster" in front of him. Chifuyu was alot of things in his past, but he was no addict, and his shop did not need to stink like nicotine.

"Lighten up fuyu. I'm here to ask you somethi-"The sound of Mikey's voice was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Kazutora rushed in, ready to put up a fight.

"I got your message Chifuyu who the fuck-" he paused, looking down at his feet. "Why is there a cigarette on my perfectly clean floor?"

Mikey hummed making Kazutora look up, face to face with him directly. Kazutora's eyes went dull, and his lips twisted into a frown as he stared at the all too familiar face.

He was silent after that. He didn't speak a word.

"Ah, I have a opportunity for Chifuyu." Mikey began, smiling in Chifuyu's direction. His voice was like a trap, his tone laced of pretty sounds yet  his intent was not innocent in the least.

Chifuyu tensed up. This was not going to be good.

(It's been a year?!? :0 )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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