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"Mey-rin, may I have a word?"

The simple question froze any and all movement inside the Phantomhive kitchen, which was a feat considering three of the five servants engaged at the estate were what one would call "bumbling idiots."

The servant in question paused in her chore of stacking the newly washed and dried dishes, and slowly turned. Sebastian Michaelis, head butler of the Phantomhive estate and the sole reason for Mey-rin's constant bumbling, stood at the kitchen entrance, tall and dashing in his always immaculate butler's uniform, his hands clasped behind his back.

"W-With m-m-me, Mr. S-Sebastian?" the red-haired maid stammered, pointing to herself. She glanced quickly at Bardroy and Finny, fellow servants and bumbling idiots, who looked just as worried as she.

"Yes, Mey-rin," the butler answered, patiently. Honestly! he added silently, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He stepped to the side and gestured towards the door. "Quickly, if you please," he added, still smiling that eye-closing smile of his.

What did you do? Bard mouthed to her, looking concerned. The only time Sebastian ever spoke to them individually was when they really made a mess of things.....something Bard, as cook of the household knew only all too well.

Mey-rin visibly gulped. I don't know! she mouthed back, chewing nervously on her bottom lip. Finny, the childlike gardener who could burst into tears at the drop of a hat, gave a small squeak at her answer and grew even more concerned.

"Mey-rin," Sebastian called from the doorway, making the three of them jump. When she quickly turned towards him, his eyebrow was now quirked above one eye. "Are you coming?" he asked, pleasantly.

She quickly nodded. "Y-Yes, M-Mr. S-Sebastian," she said. And she quickly made her way towards him.

He led her to the servants' parlor and invited her to sit upon the faded blue velvet couch there. "I should like to ask you a question, Mey-rin," he began, not taking a seat, but standing beside an armchair.

"Y-Yes...?" she asked, wringing her hands. She began to wrack her memory, trying to think of anything she'd done in the last few hours that could incur the handsome butler's wrath. But, that could be everything I've done so far! she thought, miserably.

"When we went into town today for supplies," Sebastian began, and watched as the little maid grew confused, "you were waylaid by a female acquaintance, were you not?"

Mey-rin took a moment to think, unsure of where the conversation was heading. "Y-Yes, Mr. Sebastian," she finally said. "Vanessa Hammond stopped to say hello, yes she did." Her fingers found the hem of her apron and she began to wring the material.

Sebastian became thoughtful. "Vanessa Hammond," he repeated, softly. He fell silent for a moment, then asked, "And, until recently, whose employment has she been under?"

"Sir Buckley's, she was," the maid replied.


"Sir Buckley passed away last week, yes, he did," she explained. "But, their son James died years ago, so the estate is being returned to the Queen and the servants are unemployed now."

"Yes, I did notice Miss Hammond exiting the employment post office," Sebastian said, nodding. "Tell me, Mey-rin: is Miss Hammond an excellent servant?"

At this, she vigorously nodded, making her red hair shake. "Oh, yes, sir!" she said, enthusiastically. "A kitchen maid, she is, and very efficient, too! Lady Buckley always praised her, yes she did."

"And, I assume she is in need of employment?"

"Vanessa, sir?" Why isn't he scolding me? Mey-Rin thought.

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