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Marinette had called her parents during the chase, and taken to the hospital, where she'd been diagnosed with a broken ankle, casted, and sent home with crutches. She laid in bed, watching the window for Felix.
He had landed on her balcony with a soft thud, and after determining she was inside (there was the soft glow of the lights casting out from the window), he let himself in the skyroof. "You better not be changing right now," he said, landing on her bed.
She gasped a little and looked at him with a little laugh. "How was it, Vermillion? I watched the news reports." she giggled and crossed her arm, leaning as much as she could, her foot elevated on a pillow.
He blinked, seeing the cast around her foot, turning to her. "It was something I'd like to never do again. Are you... okay?" He asked, lightly tapping the cast as he removed the earrings from his ears.
She laughed softly and shrugged. "It's broken," she frowned, taking the earrings back. "I'll have to ask Scarabella to take my place for a few weeks until it heals, I guess. I can't exactly yo-yo all over the place with a broken ankle. Unless you'd want to. Which, you just said you didn't. You don't have to," she chuckled.
Okay, so maybe Felix enjoyed it a little bit, but he wasn't going to take back his words now. Instead he cleared his throat. "Chat Noir thinks Ladybug is dating. Dating Vermillion."
She blinked and looked at him weirdly, furrowing her brows. "I-... and how did he come to this conclusion?" she asked, leaning closer and arching her brows suspiciously.
He pushed her away from him from her forehead, so she lay back down on her bed. "I told him we were dating. Because I may or may not have joked about stealing the earrings from you," he explained, and then continued, "also he knows that I know his identity."
She looked at him bewildered, her jaw dropping. "Are you- are you serious right now??? I give you the earrings for less than an hour and suddenly everyone's identity is revealed?!? You- you're not supposed to know both of ours, it's dangerous!!! That's- that's why I told him not to tell me his identity, you dumbass!!" she facepalmed, groaning. "And honestly, why would you joke about that?!?"
He pressed his lips together and didn't cower in front of her, but he did lower his gaze. When she was done with her little fit, he met her look again. "Are you always this pissy? Even as Ladybug?" 
She blinked and looked at him shocked, and then scoffed. "I am not pissy, I'm trying to keep everyone safe. There's very much a difference," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
"I understand my fault here but still, you sound so shrill like.. like a seagull when angry. I've told you you look nice angry. Not sound." He laughed softly and shook his head, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. "Don't overdo trying to impress me so much."
She arched her brows and sighed, shaking her head. "Just because you told Chat Noir were dating doesn't mean we are. I'm not trying to impress you," she said, grabbing the ice pack from off her ankle and putting it on his face. "Now cool down your ego, it's getting the better of you."
He scrunched up his nose and removed the ice pack, tossing it back to her. "It smells like feet. Get away," he whined, moving away.
She rolled her eyes. "Mhm, so does your hair gel, but I never brought it up, did I?" she said, turning away from him and pulling out her book.
"What, so you just go around sniffing people's hairs? Whatever, I'm going." He looked at her and scoffed, before getting off her bed and picking up his bag. Then he realized he'd rather not sneak out of her room where he had to pass by her parents. He turned back to her. "On second thought, can I have the earrings again?"
"First of all, I don't sniff your hair, you use so much of it I can smell it from my desk. And second of all, why should I give them back to you? I thought you didn't like going on missions?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
He looked up to his hair, running a hand through it and smelling said hand. It barely smelled like anything, and he glared at her. "I'm on no mission, I just want to get home. I'll give them back to you tomorrow at school."
She snorted. "Made you sniff," she said, and then hummed a bit. "I have a better option, actually. Since i'm the Guardian, I have access to a ton of different miraculous. Go into my sewing box and click the yellow thread, light green, and then purple. It'll open up. Bring it here." she said. She didn't know if she was being too lax with her identity, but she couldn't just walk over. And she didn't really want to give up Tikki. Not to him for the night.
"Oooooh, can I take them all, then?" He glanced at her over his shoulder as he began accessing the sewing box code. It opened and out came the miracle box, and he whistled, looking at it. "Looks like an egg." He looked at her. "Looks like you."
She blinked and then rolled her eyes. "Very funny," she sneered. "No, you don't get all of them, I'm gonna pick one for you. Sucker," she stuck out her tongue.
"And how are you gonna stop me from getting them all like that?" He raised an eyebrow, hugging the box/egg protectively, looking at her all challenging.
She glared at him and then picked up a little remote from beside her bed, clicking a button and a bag of flour fell on him. She smiled, looking down at him. "That's how. Now promise you'll bring the box here or I'll use the taser option."
He gasped, the powder only drying out his throat and he coughed. He glared to her, walking closer and putting the box down on her bed with a huff, deliberately dusting himself off vigorously, so that powder landed on both her and her bed too. "Was that really necessary?"
She dug through the box, ignoring the powder that landed near her. "I have to have a security system. If that box ever got out of my hands, I'd have to lose my role as Guardian. Which also means I'd lose my memory and any and all recollection of this life," she said, and then smiled and pulled out a ring that looked similar to the cat one, but when it was activated, it was silver with a blue hue where the silhouette of a wolf's head was. "Here. It fits you," she said, taking his hand. "Do you want the whole spiel on how to use it and what it is or just want the kwami to-" she was interrupted by a glowing white orb, which turned into a kwami. A wolf, to be exact. The kwami stretched with a groan. "It's been a long time since I've been out. Who's the dummy possessing me now?" it asked.
Felix scoffed and glared at the kwami too. "No one's possessing you, I'm only taking advantage of your powers," he rolled his eyes and took his hand away from Marinette's hold, looking at her with his expression sour. Her, then the ring, then her, and again the ring. "Are you proposing to me too?"
She blinked and then rolled her eyes, scoffing in return. "Do you want the ring or not?" she asked. The kwami loudly cleared its throat. "EXCUSE ME. I don't care if you don't want to hear it, I want to say it. Everyone else gets to," the kwami pouted. "My name is Howll, kwami of leadership and... well, power. Lots of it," he giggled. "Anyways. I'm better than the rest of them and I'm more of the kwami that gets hidden because my power is just waaaaayy too strong. Probably more strong than that of my cousin, too," he grinned.
Felix's brow arched, about to deny the ring mostly he'd been called a dummy, but the more the kwami spoke, the more Felix seemed to like him. It. He looked at the kwami, examining it, then stroked its head with his finger. He never really got to with Tikki earlier, but perhaps it was the little fur thing on Howll's head, but they were soft. Soft as hell. "Who's this cousin you speak of?"
Howll cleared his throat. "You probably know him. He's overrated, honestly. His name's Plagg, and he thinks that just cuz he can destroy everything that he's sooooo much better than the rest of us," he crossed his arms and scrunched up his kwami nose. Or what was in place of it. "And- and don't touch me," he glared up at Felix and smacked his hand away. "You know how hard it is to make my hair look this good?!?"
Felix hissed, retreating his hand away. The smack stung more than he expected, and he gave the kwami a dirty look for a second, then two, before his expression softened to a smile. "Yeah, yeah, I'm really sorry about that. How do I transform with you, then?" He asked, examining the ring.
Howll grinned and then cleared his throat. "All you have to say is 'Howll, full moon,'' and you'll have a super cool new costume," he winked. "Oh, and then your special power is even cooler. When you're in battle, you can just... well, okay, all my old owners had a problem with this at first, but you just... you just howl. And then, and then everyone in a 2 mile radius except for miraculous holders gets paused for 5 minutes," he grinned proudly.
"Hold on are you-" Felix looked at his kwami weirdly, unable to say what he wanted to say as he felt the urge to try to howl. He couldn't. "Are you saying you want me to howl to activate my power?" He asked, even though he had no plans of using it. He just needed to get home for the night, and then he'll return it to Marinette, nothing more, nothing less.
He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Yeah. It sounds embarrassing, but then again, you're dressed as a wolf too, so your ego can't be ruined much further. Besides, it's cool. Oh, also you, unlike any other miraculous holder, you have the ability to command any dogs or wolves in the area. If you wanted to. You don't have to," he said. Marinette looked at the kwami and then at Felix with furrowed brows. "This... this sounds like an awful lot for a brand new miraculous holder. Maybe I should just give you Barkk to get home..." she said, finding the dog miraculous instead.
"Wait!" Felix instinctively held Marinette's wrist to stop her, keeping his ringed hand away from her. "No. No wait, I wanna keep Howll. You believe in me, you said," he suddenly spoke, like a child defending his new toy.
She was shocked, and looked down at her wrist and then sighed. "Alright. Fine. But... eh, it's not like I can transform. Tikki," she turned to the kwami with an apologetic smile. "Can you make sure they don't get into any trouble tonight? Please?" she asked, pouting.
Tikki blinked, enjoying her cookie before nodding in acquiescence. "Of course, Marinette. Not often Howll gets out of his place too, so it's only right to," she giggled, Howll's mouth parting in disbelief, and both he and Felix shot Tikki and Marinette a dirty look. "Whatever. I'm going. I better see you at school tomorrow," Felix said, pointing to Marinette before calling his transformation words, beginning to climb back up her balcony.
Marinette rolled her eyes and waved him off. "Bye!! Be safe!! Don't get into trouble or I'll hunt you down!!!! Even if I have to use my stupid crutches!!!" she called out after him, sighing, and looking into the miracle box, at Wayzz. "Am I being too reckless?"
Felix... well, Timberwolf and Tikki had already gone before Wayzz answered Marinette. "Well, I'm sure Master Su Han and Master Fu would've thought so, but I think you are just doing what you have to do. Felix doesn't seem like the bad person you thought he was, wasn't he? Just like you said." He grinned.
She took a deep breath and nodded, looking out her window to see the flash of grey leave, and chuckled softly. "Yeah. I just hope I'm making the right decision."
"Have faith in him and you, Marinette. You're doing just fine," Wayzz reassured her, before rounding up the other kwamis and having them go back into the miracle box. "Well, you have to get your rest. Goodnight," he said, disappearing himself.

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