Blank Slate

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And morn couldn't have come too soon. His alarm blared soon enough from his phone, and it just had to be tough luck that it was currently right next to his bag, on the other side of the room. He tried reaching for it, blindly as he felt the girl's weight on him and didn't want to confront the compromise, but it was to no dice. Sighing heavily, he tried to tune out the alarm and just fall back asleep.
She groaned in her sleep, holding him tighter. "Don't move," she muttered, still asleep and not knowing of what she was saying. All she knew was there was an extremely comfortable person next to her, one that smelt absolutely amazing, and she was going to kill someone if this was a dream.
"Ngg, but the alarm.." he protested, turning on his side to bury his face in the crook of her neck, trying to drown out the noise.
"I don't care, just don't move," she whispered, and without thinking, placed a feathery kiss on his neck. "Please."
His breath hitched and his motions come to a stop as he'd felt her lips on his skin, the silent plea she had asked of him. Good for him, he supposed, that she really was latching onto him now, but this was so much more than he asked for. He nodded in acquiescence, and soon enough his alarm snoozed on its own.
It wasn't long before she became conscious of her actions, her eyes widening as the familiar scent was strong, the warmth emanating from his body closer. She gasped and pulled away, breathing heavily as she looked at him. "I- I'm sorry-" she stammered, but the sudden movement brought searing pain to her ankle and she winced, a hand immediately going to her foot.
Her sudden action had at least elbowed him once and he hissed, moving away. Strained, he nodded and said, "Y-Yeah. Good morning." He sat up and got the cover off of her as wel, carefully, and he asked, "Are you okay?"
She rubbed her lower leg for a bit until the pain almost subsided. "I'm.... I'm alright, I think," she whispered, and then looked at him with a nervous smile. "Good morning to you too. How did you sleep?"
He noddingly looked at where he'd just laid down, a spot where he had slept clean from dust and the like, the rest latched onto him. "Slept annoyingly better than I expected," he replied, grimacing as he tried dusting the soot and such off of him. He glanced at her. "How did you sleep? I take it you had it just as well?"
She smiled sheepishly and rubbed her nape. "I did. Especially considering it was in a rusty old treehouse. Does your back hurt from the floor?" she asked, walking behind him and helping him dusting himself off. "You need a change of clothes badly..."
"It's fine, I'll have to get home and ready for school, anyway," he mumbled, his gaze wandering to her as she helped him dust off. He couldn't help but smile. "I think at this point, you owe my a whole closet now," he chuckled softly, ruffling her hair.
She laughed softly and sighed, walking back around to face him. "I'll work on something. Maybe," she said, shrugging. "If you're nice, that is. Anyways, is your uncle going to be upset that you weren't home?"
"What is he gonna do? Lock me up? He barely pays attention to his house anyway," he shrugged and then his phone had rung again, the snoozed alarm from earlier. He stood up and walked to it, turning it off. "Anyway, I'll have to get going. I'll be back with your uh... what do you.. What do you need?"
She frowned a little, upset to be losing her company. "Classwork maybe? Your book to borrow once you've finished? I need some kind of entertainment up here," she chuckled softly.
He blinked, and then shook his head. "I don't need to finish it anytime soon. You can have it for now," he said and brought it to her, and then hummed in thought for a second. "How about change of clothes? Or snacks?"
She smiled and took the book. "Thank you," she said, and then glanced at it and then back at him. "A change of clothes sounds amazing, and snacks too. But you really don't have to, I can just walk to a convenience store."
"And find you run over in a ditch somewhere? No thanks," he scoffed and picked up his bag, it getting lost in transformation as he had called on Howll. He perched up by the window. "Just stay here, I'll bring what you need in a bit," he smiled and then jumped off he did, heading back to the mansion.
She watched him leave, slowly walking to the window and leaning her cheek on her arms, smiling at him. It took a moment before she realized she was gawking, and cleared her throat, ripping her gaze away from the window. What are you doing, Marinette? Honestly, this isn't okay. You don't like Felix. You can't like Felix. You're just rebounding. She tried to convince herself, taking a deep breath as she'd almost gotten herself to believe her lies.
He had done as he had said - rushed back home to take a shower, sported the nearest clean clothes he could find. He had no time to actually get ready, he had to rush out to show his face at the dinner table at least once, let them know he was there. Peeking his head in, he'd told Nathalie, "Hey, I'm having breakfast with a friend."
Nathalie looked at him suspiciously before nodding. "Alright. Thank you for letting me know," she said, continuing to set the few spots at the table.
"Thank you," he called, before rushing out the mansion. He got her clothes from the store - a little too large for her - as well as a few snacks he thought she'd like. It wasn't long before he was hiding back in an alley and had transformed back into Timberwolf, scurrying the rooftops as he made his way back to the treehouse.
In a matter of fifteen minutes, she heard the familie sound of zipping through the city, and tried to hide the smile that crept on her face, one which she'd slapped herself for, accidentally leaving a red spot on her skin where her hand had made contact. She groaned, looking at her hand as if it had betrayed her.
He landed on the balcony, and didn't bother detransforming. He set down her things with a wide grin. "You have no idea how better running is now that I don't lose my breath at all," he chuckled, momentarily forgetting who it was he was talking to, a big smile on his face as he began taking out from the bag the snacks and clothes he brought her. "Anyway, that's all I brought you. Don't send me a me-" he looked up to her, stopping as he saw the red mark on her face. "Are.. Is everything okay?"
She blinked, looking at the bag he'd brought, smiling a little. She was quickly snapped out of her temporary bliss by his sudden attention, and her eyes met his. She looked at her hand and then cleared her throat. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. A... uh... a raccoon came out of the tree. It was mad we disturbed it. So I got slapped. By a raccoon." she said, nodding as if she'd just made an extremely good excuse.
He shook his head. "I'm pretty sure raccoons don't have hands as big as those," he said and cupped her cheek, comparing the mark to his palm. Then he took her hand and did the same. He burst out laughing. "Did you slap yourself?"
Her cheeks burnt red and she backed away, turning so he saw the regular side of her face, pouting. "No!! It- it was a mutant raccoon!! With huge hands!! It wasn't me, I would never," she scoffed, turning her nose up.
He brought a fist to his lips, stifling his laugh as he let her futilely make her excuse. "Yeah right, alright. We really shouldn't be staying here then, if there are mutant raccoons as you say," he giggled, and then brought the bag closer to her. "Anyway, here. Anything else you need before I go?"
She looked at the bag from the side of her eyes and then at him, taking it. "No, I'm okay. But if you could mutant-raccoon-proof the window, that would be great," she said, smiling nervously.
He blinked. "You want me to... to barricade the windows? And block such great views?" He exaggerated, gesturing out to the skyline. He shook his head. "Great views are definitely worth the slaps from mutant raccoons." He pat her shoulder. "You'll be fine."
She blinked and then snorted, looking at him again. "Hmm. Okay, fine, if you insist," she said, smiling as if she'd won this by losing. "Anyways. Thanks for the clothes, and the snacks. I'll try to save some for you," she smiled and set the bag down, looking at him hesitantly, unsure of how exactly to say goodbye. Do I hug him? Kiss on the cheek? Wave? Handshake? she debated.
He pouted dramatically and put a hand on his chest. "Aw, I'm flattered." He rid himself of the expression and shook his head. "But there's no need. Snack on it all you want." He stood up, stretched. "Anyway, I'll get going. You can shoot me a message if you want, but I'll get to it when I get to it. I'll see you at lunch and after school," he smiled and turned to leave.
She nodded, smiling a bit, and suddenly, as he was about to leave, an urge hit her. "Wait!!" she called, running to the window and grabbing him by the collar of his suit, she pulled him in as if she was going to kiss him but as she did so, doubted herself, leaving them in an awkward position, faces just centimeters apart, her blue eyes looking into his now yellow ones, and holy crap, how is it possible for such animal like eyes to be so attractive when on someone like Felix?
He blinked, eyes widening a little as he realized the proximity between them. He was speechless for a second, before he cleared his throat and asked, "Do you need.. Something?" His bit his bottom lip, glancing to her lips for a split second before meeting her gaze again.
Watching him handle the awkward situation with such suave and still making it look attractive was unfair, and she fluttered her eyelids open and closed a few times. "Um... no, sorry," she smiled nervously, backing away a few steps. "Bye. Have fun."
"Doubt I will, you're not there," he said with a winked, before he laughed as he realized she'd felt awkward being that close with him. He took a step towards her, pressed a quick kiss on her cheek. "There. Love you, bye." And off he went, not sparing a second glance her way.
She was rendered speechless, her entire face burning red. Screw him for messing with her like this. She ran to the window, but stepped on her ankle wrong before she could say anything, groaning as she doubled over, sighing as she laid on the floor, looking at the ceiling. One thing was certain, but she just didn't know exactly how to word it.
Heightened senses helped him hear the groan and he looked over her shoulder a little bit, shaking his head. She was fine, it'll be fine, he convinced himself. He had stopped in an alley near the school, detransforming and walking towards their class inconspicuously.
Alya, who had been nothing short of freaking out the whole night, despite Marinette's reassurances, saw the blonde and ran up to him. She opened her mouth to speak but then she smelled something. Marinette's perfume. Her brows furrowed and she stepped in front of him. "Where do you think you're going, mister??"
He stopped and then he pocketed his hands, turning to look at Alya. He pressed his lips together, remembered the girl absolutely hated his guts. He pointed towards their classroom. "Where else do you think?"
She shook her head and pushed him back, hands on her hips. "Sorry, wrong wording. What I shouldve asked is, where have you been?" she growled.
His brows arched, and a small scoff was drawn out of him. "Home. Where else would I have come from?"
She shook her head, an incredulous laugh escaping her. "Lies," she spat, and with a burst of strength, pushed him towards a locker. "You smell like my best friend's perfume. I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where have you been?" she asked, gritting her teeth.
He hissed, but what she had said kind of intrigued him, and he sniffed his shirt. His brows arched as he did smell the scent of her. He smiled, irritation now gone and he now just aimed to push all her buttons. "Alright, you got me. I spent the night with her. What of it?"
Her eyes widened and she scowled at the boy, clenching a fist. "You did what?!? What's wrong with you?! Wasn't it clear she wanted nothing to do with you?? What, did you get her drunk or something??" she hissed.
"Woah, woah woah, calm down, foxy." He put his hand in the air at arm level. "I promise you, I don't have to resort to such dirty ways to get what I want." He put said hand on her shoulder. "Really, it was all very much consensual. She was the one who asked me to stay, you know."
Her expression only became more worried and she took a deep breath. "She wouldn't even tell me where she was," she scoffed, shaking her head. "And after I deliberately told her to tell me if you messed with her," she bit her lip in anger. "Where is she?"
He pouted and then let go of her, shrugged as he stepped away from between her and the locker. "Sorry, no can do. She made it clear that she didn't want to tell you. You're probably just going to terrorize her anyway, give her the worst time of her life." He shook his head. "Really, are you her mother or something?"
Her anger turned to worry as she clenched her jaw. "I'm... Im not her mother, I'm just- I'm just trying to keep her safe from idiots like you," she sneered, stepping to the side so he couldn't walk forward. "You leave her alone, you hear?! She's- she's probably just vulnerable right now!! You can't just mess with her when she just broke up with Chat Noir."
He hummed for a second, sighing heavily. "I'm just trying to be a good friend. Good company. As you said, she just broke up with Chat Noir and needs more company than nagging, don't you think?"
She glared at him. "Not when you're taking advantage of her state of vulnerability. I would've helped her if she would just come to me. Why would she go to you of all people? You- you've done nothing to her but ruin her life, haven't you?" she scoffed.
"Oh, she was well on her way to ruin even without me meddling. I mean, if I were her, one more day with you and I really would have been ruined." He scoffed and then took a deep breath. "Look, if you've got a problem with how Marinette has been talking to me, talk to her. I can't enter her life if she's not letting me in, don't you think?" He spat, and cast her aside, walking past her.
Alya was stuck in a state of shock, and she bit her lip, blinking back the tears that threatened to form in her eyes. She wondered if she had been too restricting at a point, and she wanted- needed- to talk to Marinette, but she couldn't. So she sent the bluenette a message 'Hey, I know you're upset but I really would like to talk to you. Love you girl, don't forget that <3', and then sighed, walking to class.
Marinette's phone was nearly drained at this point, spent over a day and half without it being charged. She heard the buzz and saw her message, began typing a reply, but her phone died halfway through. She gasped, realized that Alya would at some point notice that she left her on seen.
And she did. In fact, she'd been watching the screen every time she had a chance during class, and when she saw the dots disappear, she bit her lip, hiding her disappointment in her textbook, and tried to convince herself that Marinette was fine, that she hadn't done wrong, but something at the back of her mind plagued her, something telling her she'd done something wrong.
Nino noticed her anxiety, and he'd quickly finished up his notes before he tapped her arm, caught her attention. "Als, everything cool? What's up?" He whispered.
She bit her now beginning to quiver lip, and shook her head. "Left me on seen," she muttered under her breath, showing Nino the screen on the bench beside her, burying her head in her arms.
Nino bit his lip, holding back a hiss. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and pulled her close. "Hey, maybe dudette just needs her time. You know she wouldn't leave you on seen for the sake of it, you know?"
She sighed and shook her head. "I don't know, Nino. Felix told me I'm acting like her mother. Am I being too overprotective?" she whispered, turning to look at him. "Was I a bad friend?" she added in a lower voice, the words breaking as they spilled from her lips.
Nino made something short of a drawn out whine, hand balancing out both sides. "I mean, maybe? I wasn't really on the receiving side but," he shrugged, but then he shook his head. "But you haven't been a bad friend. You're just worried, right? It's okay."
"I guess," she muttered. "Thanks," she added, and then sat up again, trying not to dwell on the subject. She'd give her a day and see what happened.
Nino nodded and pressed a kiss on her temple, attention back to the class. It wasn't long before the bell rang, that indicated lunch, and Felix looked to his phone, brows furrowing as he hasn't received any sort of message from her yet. Maybe he was just expecting too much. Packing up his things, he readied to leave the class, totally uncaring that he had bumped into Adrien on the way.
Adrien blinked, rubbing his arm before running after Felix. "Hey!! Wait, come back!!" he exclaimed, grabbing the boy by the backpack. "Who'd you have breakfast with this morning?" he asked curiously.
Oh god, he was beginning to get annoyed, being held either by his backpack or collar. He swore he'd kill them if he were to get bruises around his arms or neck. "With Marinette," he replied, trying to get the other's grip off.
Adrien let go suddenly, looking at him with furrowed brows. "You... what? So where was she today?? She wasn't in class. Did you do something??" he asked.
"If you think I locked her up, no I didn't. I'm not obsessive," he rolled his shoulders, glared at Adrien. "And I don't need to tell you that. I'm going," he said and walked away.
Adrien looked at him and ran after him again. "No, wait-" he said. "Felix, is she okay? I- I didn't mean that. But after what Alya said yesterday," he narrowed his eyes. "Look, I- I get it, she's... she's probably moving on... from Chat... but please please tell me the... the kiss," he said, the word feeling like it scratched his throat as it came out, "was consensual."
Felix had to bite the insides of his cheek to hold back a smirk, and he put his hands on his hips, a brow raised. "Which one?"
Adrien was taken aback by this and he pressed his lips together before clearing his throat. "The one she got all mad about yesterday. When Alya caught you." he said bitterly.
Felix hummed in thought for a second, shrugging. "She didn't push me away when I asked her to, before I kissed her and all," he replied, the question in his voice.
Adrien blinked, his ears turning red as anger boiled inside of him. "I can't believe you," he scoffed. "I hope you both are happy together." he sneered, and then walked off, unable to handle the information.
Felix scoffed, barely holding back a laugh as he watched the latter walk away. He left the campus, hid away and transformed before heading back to the treehouse. He landed on the balcony, knocked by the window, looking in. "Mari?"
Marinette was laying on the floor when she heard the voice, immediately sitting up. "You're back! Um... do you by any chance have a portable phone charger?" she asked nervously, smiling sheepishly. "My phone died earlier."
He blinked, climbed in the room and transformed and tossed his bag to her. "Somewhere in there." He sat next to her, noticed the clothes she wore. He smiled. "Sorry bout the clothes. I didn't know your size."
She looked down at her clothes and laughed softly. "It's alright, it's actually very comfortable," she said, winking, and then pulled out the charger, sighing as she plugged her phone in. "How was class?" she asked, glancing up to him.
"You mean besides being shoved against a locker and pulled by my backpack? It was amazing," he replied blankly, snickering as he sat back on the wall. "Honestly, I didn't pine your friends to be such bullies," he fake sniffled.
She looked at him bewildered and blinked a few times. "They... did what?" she asked, suddenly confused. "They wouldn't do something like that, though... I mean, did you aggravate them?" she asked.
"If you mean by me smelling like you, then yes, I probably did." He shrugged and sniffed his shirt again, donning the top and reaching for his bag. "Honestly, how strong is the perfume you wear? I smell like you."
She blinked, covering her eyes as she realized he'd taken off his shirt. "What are you doing??" she hissed. "And I don't wear that much perfume," she scoffed.
"I have a tank under, pervert," he mumbled, holding back a laugh and took his perfume, doused his shirt in it. He sniffed it and looked at her. "And I wasn't talking about how much you use. You barely snuggled up to me and you had me walking around marked by you." He smiled. "Not that I'm complaining."
She peeked out from her fingers before sighing, although she was just a tad bit let down by that fact. "Oh. Okay," she said, and then looked at him, arching her brows. "I don't think it's that strong. I mean, I guess I'm kind of used to it, by now, but it doesn't seem that strong," she rolled her eyes.
He narrowed his eyes, crawled a little so he could reach her and obviously sniffed her. He scrunched up his nose and looked at her. "It's kind of strong. Sweetly strong, though," he added.
She blinked, looking down at him and laughing softly. "Ah. Glad you think so," she scrunched her nose up back, and inside, she was trying not to show her excitement. Why did she find him cute? She wasn't supposed to.
"Glad I think so? I think it just killed half my olfactory nerves," he replied, sitting in front of her and giggled. He looked around. "Where the snacks earlier? Have you already finished it all?"
She laughed and shook her head. "Well at least it's not sour strong or disgusting strong," she said, and then pointed to the bag at the corner of the room, where she'd saved about half of each snack for him. "The rest is yours," she smiled.
He smiled happily, he had forgotten to actually eat breakfast earlier and he was absolutely starved now. He ate one a time, albeit quickly, humming. "Thank you," he replied amidst chewing, smiling sheepishly.
"Mhm," she smiled, watching him. She took a deep breath and while he was eating, her phone turned on and she immediately went back to the message she'd been typing. "Give me a minute, I probably scared the hell out of Alya." she muttered. Her message read, 'Hey Als! Sorry I didn't reply earlier. Phone died :( But i'll call you asap!! I love you too <3' and then she stood up, looking to Felix. "Im gonna call Alya real quick, you keep... um, chowing down," she giggled and then went to a corner of the room, setting herself down on one of the low steps of the ladder.
Felix nodded, glanced at her every now and then while he kept chowing down, her words, not his. As soon as Alya had received the message though, she gasped and finished her food, not wasting time to call her, repeatedly chanting 'please pick up.'
Marinette heard the phone ring just as soon as she sat down and blinked, picking it up. "Hey! Everything okay?" she asked.
Alya had to bite back a squeal and moved away from the table. "Marinette- oh my god, no, yeah. Everything's fine here, is everything okay with you?" She asked, holding back a little bit, what Felix said still kind of worrying her.
Marinette smiled a little. "Yeah, I'm alright. I broke my ankle the other day when the akuma showed up and I fell down a ladder but I'm alright now. And I've just been hanging out at an old place of mine. Well, not mine. But nobody else is here." she said, and then glanced at Felix with a sheepish smile.
"Marinette, are you sure?" She asked, and then bit her lip as she held back on another skepticism spiel. "I mean, if you say so... but I talk to Felix earlier and he said something about spending the night with you. Did anything happen?"
Her eyes bulged and trailed over to the blonde with knit brows, mouthing, 'why'd you tell her??' and then turning back to the phone. "Oh. Um. He just showed up. It was a total coincidence, you know. We played games, not much happened."
There was a hesitant hum, then another sigh. "Okay." There was a short silence after. "I won't bother you about this any longer. I understand if you'd rather keep it to yourself for now or talk about it with someone else but if you need anything, you know I'm here, right?" She asked, her voice kind of soft, definitely worried.
Marinette could hear the worry in the girl's voice, and she sighed. "I... I know. Hey, um... call me back in your free period. We can talk more then, I'm sure Nino's sad he's losing his lunch break," she chuckled softly. "I'll keep my phone charged so it doesn't die on me again."
Alya nodded, said out a yes in reply. "I'll call you later, then. Love you girl, take of yourself!" She said, before hanging up.
She sighed and put the phone down, glaring at Felix. "Honestly. You just had to use the worst types of descriptions," she rolled her eyes. "Are you trying to get me in trouble?!"
Felix sighed tiredly and looked at her with a sheepish expression. She'd gone all hedgehog on him again. "Marinette, the girl had me against a locker and literally sniffed your perfume on me from a mile away. How was I supposed to explain that?"
"Oh, I don't know, like a normal person instead of making it sound like we- we- you know, did something else!!" she whined, shaking her head. "You're something else, Felix Graham de Vanily," she sighed. "Now I have more problems to fix..."
He smiled sweetly. "It's not my fault spending the night together suddenly means sex, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. We're literally sixteen," he scrunched his nose up finished what he was eating, threw away the wrappers in a plastic he is to dispose later.
"Oh, shut up, you and I both know there could be thousands of different ways to word it without making it sound like that," she narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "Game night? Hanging out? Accidentally fell asleep in the middle of a late night chat? I mean, literally thousands. I think you did that on purpose."
"Still doesn't explain why I smelled like you," he shrugged and crouched down in front of her with narrowed eyes, a cheeky smile on his lips. "And so what if I did do it on purpose?"
She opened her mouth to say something but sighed. "We hugged. We ummm huddled like penguins cuz it was cold. You slept in a sleeping bag I sat on," she said, arching her brows. "And if you did it on purpose, then that's really obsessive of you, trying to ruin my reputation and make it sound like we're a thing."
He furrowed his brows. "Sorry I'm so slow-witted then, couldn't come up with a measly excuse," he said and stood up, sighing. "Either way, you might as well be correct with your assumption. I mean look at me, tending to a crutched girl in a treehouse in the outskirts of town." He sighed. "What has become of my life?"
"Oh, wow, Felix suddenly cares about someone but himself??" she gasped in bewilderment, laughing a little.
He glanced at her, glaring a little. "I'll have you know I do care about people other than myself too," he huffed.
She snickered and arched her brows. "I know you do. But it's funny seeing you all worked up. Speaking of that, did you forget to do your hair?" she asked, getting closer and playing with his air dried hair. Surprisingly to her, it was a little curly like this. And very attractive.
He blinked, looked up then batted her hands away. "Don't touch it." He crouched down to where he put his bag, procured the gel he kept at all times. "I don't know if it's obvious but I didn't really have the time earlier," he said, beginning to fix it up.
She grabbed his wrist as he began, pulling his hand from his hair before he could put any in. "No, wait. I like it like this," she said, looking at him with the tiniest smile. "I didn't know you had curly hair."
"I don't like curly hair. Didn't want anyone else to see it, didn't want you to see it. Now let me gel my hair," he said, trying to free his wrist from her hold. Too bad she had an iron grip though.
She shook her head, refusing to let go of his hand. She arched her brows. "Why not? It's kinda cute," she said with a straining tone, pinning his wrist on his chest, refusing to let go. "Come on, please??"
Struggling was futile, and he knew it. Conceding to her, definitely not because she called him cute but totally because his wrist was beginning to burn, he sighed. "Alright, fine. Only. While I'm here." He looked away. "I'm doing my hair at school."
"Fine, it means I'm the only one who gets to see it then," she said, a little smirk tugging at her lips as she let go of his wrist, but kept kneeling over him, her knees on either side of his hips, hands above his shoulders.
He blinked as he remained partially captive by her. He cleared his throat, tried to push away this fact from his mind. Leaned closer to her, couldn't help but smile crookedly, somewhat hopefully. "You know if you asked really nicely I might actually don the whole gel lifestyle altogether."
Her brows arched and she saw him lean closer, but chose to ignore it, it wasn't causing any harm anyways. "Is that so? What do I do to ask really nicely?" she whispered, leaning the tiniest bit closer as well. "Oh, Felix, please don't ever wear gel in your hair ever again. You already look dashing without it. And that's coming from a fashion designer," she said softly, batting her lashes.
He thought about it for a second, pressed his lips together. Then he eyed her up and down. "You know, for someone who claims to be a fashion designer - and this is a question genuinely not meant to offend - but are your outfits a personality or a fashion statement?"
She blinked and turned red as his gaze traveled over her. "This one, I'm not sure, I didn't pick it out," she laughed softly. "As for the others, probably just a personality. I mean, I only wear things that fit me, you know? I do design other things than just the outfits in my closet. Everyone I design for, I try to take them into account and make things that they would personally like, not just what I like."
"Fit you as in... just casual things you like that actually fit you or they actually fit your tastes? You really didn't strike me as the pink capri gal when we first met," he said, and then grinned. "And I'm actually talking about the Ladybug you here. Struck you for the really regal in red, you know?"
She chuckled a bit. "Yeah, well, I decided a fashion designer shouldn't only wear one outfit. It really limits the mind, to be honest," she said, still looking down at him. "And mhm, fit my tastes. I found that I'm more into skirts than I thought before. Part of it is learning to appreciate your body and see that it can look great in lots of things, you know?"
He stared for a second, probably even longer but screw it, she looked really nice talking about something she liked. He nodded, genuine smile budding on his face. "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense," he replied and leaned back away from her, former position he was in just as she'd left her. "So you're really into this whole designing thing, huh?"
She smiled a little, pink blossoming on her cheeks and she nodded. "Yeah. I am. How about you, do you have any hobbies?" she asked, and then finally realized the position and climbed off him nervously. "Sorry."
To say he was disappointed when she clambered off him was an overstatement. Whatever it was though, he didn't like it, and he wanted her back. He held her hand, pulled her back close to him. "I apparently don't have any of this so-called hobby. Maybe you can introduce me to some?" He offered, looking up at her.
She was shocked by his gesture, being pulled back until she was even closer than before, just now in a sitting up position, but cleared her throat. "How do you not have a hobby? You know reading can be counted as one, right? Do you... bake? Play an instrument? Sing? Bird watch? Cloud watch?" she asked, really trying to get their current position out of her head.
"Well, there's reading but you already knew about that. Apart from that..." his voice trailed down, realizing how awfully uneventful his life was apart from the escapism he apparently learn to use from all the years of reading. He shrugged the feeling of self-pity away. "Dunno. I'm a blank slate." He flashed her a grin. "I kept myself clean so you could maybe show me the ropes?" He giggled.
She smiled a little and nodded. "Mhm, when my ankle stops being an issue, I'll show you the ropes," she winked and then sighed, sitting against the wall. "When's your next class start up again?" she asked, looking at the clock on her phone.
He did the same, brows arching a little. "Like, right now," he said, sitting up as well. He thought for a second. "Tomorrow's a weekend anyway... I kind of don't wanna go back."
She was shocked to say the least and arched her brows. "You like being here that much, huh?" she laughed softly.
"Yeah, no. I just don't like being there that much." He shrugged and sighed, picking up his bag. "But I should go. Who else is going to deliver you your papers if not I?" He laughed drily.
She bit back a smile and shook her head. "Considering nobody but you knows about my whereabouts, no one," she said, shrugging. "Go have fun, you know where to find me," she said, waving him off with a smile.
He had transformed, perched himself up by the window, ready to leap. He hesitated for a second, then looked at her over his shoulder. "Wish me luck, maybe?" He asked.
She bit back a smile and blew him a kiss. "Good luck," she said, waving again. "You're already late, go!!" she laughed.
He bit back a smile and he nodded, heading off. He'd gotten to school in record time, eager to even finish it in record time. As much as he refused to acknowledge, he couldn't help the fact that he'd begun liking the comfort she brought him. The treehouse brought him.

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